Page 86 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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羅省中華會館時間軸 TIMELINE
organizes a “Los Angeles Relief Foundation,” to help the injured
and holds a Relief Seminar, requesting for further relief from the
+ 全僑以行動支持受害華人,在華埠發動遊行,抗議不公平對待和反對
In addition, the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association
helps support injured Chinese people in Chinatown protesting
against the unfair treatment and violence, thus demanding for
racial unison and peace.
1993 + 8月31日,美國中西部水災,羅省中華會館發動捐款救災。
On August 31, the United States encounters floods in two different
states outside of California. The association organizes funds and
donations to support families and individuals who became victims
of this event.
1994 + 1月17日,北嶺大地震,羅省中華會館發起捐款賑災一萬元。
On January 17, there is a major earthquake in Northridge. Mem-
bers of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association help
contribute to the disaster by donating a total of $10,000.
1995 + 羅省中華會館聯合各僑團發起
The Chinese Consolidated
Benevolent Association and
other associations celebrate
the 50th anniversary of
the Sino-Japanese War; an
event that lasts several days.
+ 美國參眾兩院提出大量削減合 的華裔參選,希望能有更多華裔進入主流政
法移民人數法案,當時的主席 壇。早年,前美國駐中國大使駱家輝參選華盛
趙尚賢呼籲僑胞起來反對不合 The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association
理之移民法案,慎防1882年排 believed that the Chinese people should be more
involved in politics in order to obtain better welfare
華法案重演,同時領隊參加聯 for their fellow countrymen, thereby encouraging
邦大廈前的示威活動,發起寫 people to vote. CCBA supported Gary Faye Locke
election in Los Angeles when he was running for
信運動。 Washington State Governor. Exclusion Act might be
The United States Senate replayed. He initiated a letter-writing campaign, and
led a protest of different ethnic groups in front of the
and House of Representative federal building in Los Angeles.
propose a bill of reducing
羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA | 87