Page 83 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 83
125 Anniversary
th 週年
individuals. Annually, out-
standing youth are elected
by members of CCBA
to praise their patriotic
+ 美國國會通過安置及收容
的 Camp Pendleton 軍營,
羅省中華會館協助安置400餘 探視,贈送衣物、成藥等,使他們盡快得到安
名難胞。 置
The United States Vietnam- Helping Vietnamese refugees settling into life in
America with daily visits and donations of clothing
ese Refugee Agency helps and medicines, etc.
175,000 Vietnamese refu-
gees escape to the United States; the majority of the Vietnamese
refugees are of Chinese descent. The majority of the refugees stay
in California’s Camp Pendleton, and the Chinese Consolidated
Benevolent Association has helped over 400 refugees alone.
1976 + 奧林匹克運會在加拿大蒙特婁舉行,台灣的奧運代表團因故滯留洛杉
The Olympics is conducted in Montreal, Canada. The Chinese
Consolidated Benevolent Association assists by organizing meals
and lodging for athletes from Taiwan who arrive in Los Angeles.
1977 + 羅省中華會館首度組團到台灣訪問。
The first tour to the Republic of China organized by CCBA.
1978 + 「南加省馬氏宗親會」成立。
The Mar’s Family Association of So. Cal. is established.
1979 + 中華會館「福地會」購置
The Chinese Cemetery of
Los Angeles purchases
its second piece of Land
called the “Forest Lawn,”
in Hollywood.
+ 全僑於華埠金國酒家舉辦「團
結自強晚會」。 The first tour to the Republic of China organized by
84 | 羅省中華會館時間軸 Timeline