Page 80 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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羅省中華會館時間軸 TIMELINE
+ 9月,中華學校整合原有三數私塾與一教會學校,首度開學,學生60餘
In September, the Chinese Confucius Temple of Los Angeles
opens three new schools with a total of over 60 enrollments.
1953 + 美蘇對峙,清算美國共產路線的麥卡錫時代抬頭,中國籍華人可以難
Tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States esca-
late, spawning a new era of McCarthyism. During this time, many
Chinese immigrants, including Chinese intellects and diplomats,
enter the United States as refugees, without the need to comply
with the immigration regulation. After the scare, these refugees
are able to apply for citizenship.
1956 + 美國總統艾森豪威爾時代,對華人移民全面搜查,移民官隨時在街上
President Eisenhower enacts the Immigration Department to
randomly investigate the identities of Chinese Immigrants, thus
causing hysteria amongst the Chinese population. As a result,
many associations are forced to terminate their organizations for
many years. To prevent this panic from continuing, CCBA’s Chair-
man, Zhu QiHuo, collectively organizes other associations to fight
for Chinese Welfare and Benefits.
1958 + 名稱曾為:至德別墅、泗和里、岐山寄廬、岐山房、樂天房的「羅省
The Gee Tuck Sam Tuck
Association is established.
1959 + 支持夏威夷華裔鄺友良獲選
The Chinese Consolidated 羅省中華會館推動華人參政,支持主流政客,
Benevolent Association 以增加華人在主流的影響力
The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association
help support GuangY- encourages Chinese people to participate in our
ouLiang, a Chinese im- government. They supported mainstream politicians
to increase Chinese welfare in society.
羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA | 81