Page 78 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 78

羅省中華會館時間軸 TIMELINE

                           + 聯合車站完工前,老華埠部
                             Before the completion
                             of the Union Station,
                             the Chinese Consolidated
                             Benevolent Association’s          舊華埠被徵收改建洛杉磯聯合車站前的街景
                             building located in Old Chi-      The old Chinatown on Alameda St., before it was
                                                               demolished to build the Los Angeles Union Station.
                             natown is forced to relocate.
                             By the end of 1940, the gov-
                             ernment has constructed Highway 10 and purchased the land on
                             which the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and its
                             surrounding neighbors are located, forcing all to relocate to where
                             new Chinatown is today.

            1940           + 加州政府廢止《外僑土地法例》(Alien Land Law)。
                             The “Alien Land Law” is abolished.
                           + 羅省朱沛國堂前身《紫陽通訊處》創立於1940 年代。
                             The ZiYang Communications Club is established.

            1941           + 12月7日清晨,珍珠港事變。日本聯合艦隊發動大批軍機和潛艇突襲美
                             On December 7th, the Pearl Harbor naval base and its surround-
                             ing bases such as the United States Army base on the island of
                             Oahu are attacked by Japanese military ships, aircrafts and sub-

            1942           + 美國加入太平洋亞洲區戰事,很多華人被徵召入伍服役。
                             As a result of the Asian-Pacific War, many Chinese are drafted.

            1943           + 美國國會於11月通過法案,撤銷《排華法案》,每年分配105名華人移
                             In November, Congress revises the “Chinese Exclusion Act,”
                             permitting an annual 105 Chinese immigrants to enter the United
                             States and obtain naturalization.

                                                    羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA  |  79
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