Page 74 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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羅省中華會館時間軸 TIMELINE
1900 + 聯邦高等法院判決華人商賈的妻眷有權利來美國。
The U.S. Supreme Court rules that Chinese merchants were al-
lowed to sponsor their wife and family to the United States.
1902 + 聯邦政府再通過法案,使《排華法案》繼續延期,禁止華工入境。
The “Chinese Exclusion Act” excludes “skilled and unskilled Chi-
nese laborers and Chinese employed in mining” from entering the
country for ten years.
1904 + 聯邦政府宣佈無限期實施《排華法案》。
The “Chinese Exclusion Act” is renewed for another ten years with
no terminal date.
1906 + 加州政府通過《外僑土地法例》(Alien Land Law),禁止外僑(非
California Legislature passes the “Alien Land Law” prohibiting
“aliens ineligible for citizenship” (i.e., all Asian immigrants) from
owning or selling land or property. This law affects the Chinese,
especially Chinese merchants, and is not abolished until 1940.
1910 + 因應華僑日增,同鄉、宗
The number of Chinese
immigrants increases,
and as a result the 當年舊華埠的紅樓,一度是洛杉磯華人的地下政
“Chinese Alliance As- 府;這裡曾經是羅省中華會館的所在,樓中還有其
sociation” and the “Be- The CCBA and various organizations organize a self-ruled
nevolent Association” are underground government in the red-brick Garnier Building
located in Old Chinatown.
established. The Wei-
Liang Association starts
to expand and officially changes its name to the Chinese Consoli-
dated Benevolent Association.
+ 孫中山先生抵達洛杉磯發表演講,力陳革命之重要性,聽者動容,洛
Mr. Sun Yat Sen arrives in Los Angeles to conduct a seminar
about revolution. As a result, Chinese immigrants in Los Angeles
start to protest for revolution.
羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA | 75