Page 69 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 69

125        Anniversary

                th  週年

                      1847           + 加州尚屬墨西哥國土,華人已在加州出入,經營小買賣。
                                       During the era when California was still a Mexican territory, Chi-
                                       nese people have already resided in California as small business

                      1848           + 加州歸入美國國土,華人人口共計780名。
                                       Chinese population reaches a number of 780 people when Califor-
                                       nia is annexed by the United States.
                                     + 加州發現黃金,吸引大批移民,消息很快從太平洋傳到廣東,第一批
                                       The California Gold Rush attracts many immigrants and the news
                                       quickly spreads across the Pacific Ocean to Guangdong. The first
                                       group of Chinese people immigrates across the Pacific Ocean,
                                       beginning their dream to pan for gold.

                      1849           + 華人開始入加州礦區淘金,大量華人移民美國,其中以廣東四邑(台
                                       Chinese people begin to join mining industries after immigrating
                                       to the United States. Many of the Chinese immigrants are from
                                       Guangdong and its adjacent provinces such as Taishan, Kaiping,
                                       Enping and Xinhui. Most arriving in the United States form a Chi-
                                       natown and start their home dialect called “Tang.”

                      1850           + 9月9日,加州正式成為美國聯邦的第31州,華人組隊參加慶祝大
                                       (John Douglas)在州情咨文裡熱情讚揚了華人,並形容為最新接納
                                       California becomes the 31st state admitted to the United States
                                       on September 9th. Chinese people celebrate by parading as they
                                       are being accounted for as a special group of people. California
                                       Governor, John Douglas, praises the Chinese people in his State
                                       Official Assembly. He announces that they are the “most valued
                                       group of people” and encourages more Chinese immigrants to the
                                       United States.

                      1852           + 華人開始湧入美國西岸,政府統計美國華人人口為20,025名,多數為
                                       The Chinese start to stream across the Western Region. The U.S.
                                       Census reports that the Chinese population is estimated to be

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