Page 72 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 72
羅省中華會館時間軸 TIMELINE
Anti-Chinese sentiments begin to rise due to a bloody murder of a
Caucasian in Chinatown. This incident provokes 500 rioters, who
massacre and lynch Chinese immigrants. 19 Chinese people are
1872 + 加州引用殖民地時代(1661 年)法令禁止異族通婚,1906 年此令包
括華人在內,直到 1948 年才廢止。
The 1661 statute in California prohibiting interracial marriages,
including the Chinese race, is overturned by the State Supreme
Court in 1948.
1875 + 加州人士指控不道德的婦女(妓女)泛濫各大小市鎮,此外還有被迫的
廉價勞工(奴工)等問題。聯邦政府通過「貝芝法例」(Page Law),
Congress passes the “Page Law,” prohibiting prostitution and
requiring that Chinese women must show proof of identity from a
respectable family before they can enter the United States.
+ 羅省合勝堂成立。
The Hop Sing Tong Association is established.
1877 + 白人發出排華口號︰「華人滾蛋!」(Chinese Must Go!)力主排斥
Caucasians begin a slogan, “Chinese Must Go!”, advocating
strongly against the Chinese. As a result, California passes a law
prohibiting Chinese people from transporting the remains of their
deceased family members back to China.
1879 + 加州政府通過(修訂)加州憲法,其中明文詆毀華人,稱華人為「不
The Second Amendment of the California Constitution is said to
have slandered Chinese people as “unwelcomed people,” support-
ing the nation to discriminate against Chinese people.
1881 + 英端工商會之前身「瑞端工商會」成立。
The DuanOn Merchants Association is established.
羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA | 73