Page 71 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 71
125 Anniversary
th 週年
1860 + 加州教育廳實施種族隔離政策,其他族裔學童不得與白人學童同校;
California Education District Assembly passes a law prohibiting
students of a subordinate race from attending the same school as
Caucasian students; it is not until 1947 when it is abolished.
1862 + 美國政府通過建築連接東西岸的州際橫貫鐵路,許多華人勞工加入鐵
Construction of the Transcontinental Railroad project proposed
by Congress attracts many Chinese laborers to work for railroad
1863 + 數萬華工加入築路軌工作,使得鋪軌工作得以提早一年(1869年)完
As a result of countless Chinese laborers joining the railroad
construction work in 1863, the Transcontinental Railroad is able to
finish a year earlier by 1869.
1867 + 中美簽訂《蒲安臣條約》(Burlingame Treaty),勞工貿易互惠,引
China and the United States sign the Burlingame Treaty. The
terms of the Burlingame Treaty includes the mutual advantage of
free migration and emigration and labor trades for both countries.
In the same year, the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
grants citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United
1868 + 築路期間,華工死傷甚眾,5千名鋪軌華工罷工,要求加薪及改善待
During this period of the construction of the Transcontinental
Railroad, numerous Chinese become injured and/or killed, thus
provoking 5,000 Chinese laborers to strike. They request a raise
in wages and better treatment, but unfortunately their protests are
ignored, and within a month they resume work.
+ 羅省龍岡公所(現在的羅省龍岡親義公所)成立。
The Lung Kong Tin Yee Association is established.
1871 + 排華風日炙,洛杉磯發生暴動。血腥屠殺導因於1個白人在華埠被殺,
72 | 羅省中華會館時間軸 Timeline