Page 73 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 73

125        Anniversary

                th  週年

                      1882           + 聯邦政府受到西岸各省議員壓力,通過史無前例的種族歧視法例《排
                                       華法案》(Chinese Exclusion Act)。明文禁止華工及其眷屬入境,
                                       Congress passes the “Chinese Exclusion Act,” prohibiting Chinese
                                       laborers from entering the United States and denying them natu-
                                       ralization. This law is extended for ten years.

                      1884           + 聯邦法院裁定美國土生華人有權居留在美國;除因犯罪受懲罰之外,
                                       The U.S. Supreme Court rules that American born Chinese per-
                                       sons have the right to reside in the United States. They are sub-
                                       ject to the same punishments when having committed a crime
                                       and will not be deported back to their country.

                      1887           + 華埠被一把火焚燬,遂遷到現在是聯合車站的地段。
                                       Old Chinatown caught on fire, spreading to the railroads before
                                     + 聯邦政府頒布《史葛法案》(Scott Act),二萬多名持有效回美證明
                                       Congress passes the “Scott Act,” prohibiting 20,000 Chinese la-
                                       borers abroad or those who planned future travels from reentering
                                       the United States.

                      1889           + 洛杉磯新會、鶴山兩邑梓里成立「南加州岡州會館」。
                                       The Kong Chow Benevolent Association is established.
                                     + 「衛良公所」成立,是一個全僑性組織,宗旨為「排解紛爭,以安善
                                       The WeiLiang Association, now known as “The Chinese Consoli-
                                       dated Benevolent Association,” is organized exclusively to advo-
                                       cate democracy for the Chinese people and serve as a bridge be-
                                       tween Chinese-American immigrants and the mainstream groups.

                      1891           + 英端工商會之前身「萃英工商會」成立。
                                       The Ying Merchants Benevolent Association is established.

                      1892           + 聯邦政府將《排華法案》延期10年,並敕令所有華人向政府報到。
                                       The “Chinese Exclusion Act” is extended for another decade, re-
                                       quiring “each Chinese resident to register and obtain a certificate
                                       of residence.”

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