Page 75 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 75

125        Anniversary

                th  週年

                      1912           + 羅省昭倫公所前身「譚氏通訊處」成立。
                                       The Tan Family Communications Club is established.
                                     + 羅省同源會成立,主旨為華裔美國公民爭取公民權益。
                                       The Chinese American Citizens Alliance is established exclusively
                                       to advocate rights for Chinese people to obtain their citizenship.

                      1917           + 規定成年人移民美國必須通過英語試,目的是禁非英語國家的亞洲人
                                       Congressed passes a law stipulating that adults immigrating to
                                       the United States must pass an English speaking test before en-
                                       tering into the country. The goal is to prohibit non-English speak-
                                       ers from entering. As a result, Chinese immigrants begin reporting
                                       their age as being under 18 years of age.

                      1918           + 聯邦巡迴法庭宣判美國華裔公民在外國出世的子女有權入境美國,享
                                       The U.S. Supreme Court rules that Chinese-American citizens
                                       whose children are born in foreign countries are authorized to
                                       enter the United States and exercise the same rights and interests
                                       as American citizens.

                      1920           + 羅省林西河堂成立。
                                       The Lim’s Family Association is established.

                      1922           + 國會通過《基保爾法案》(The Cable Act);美國女公民若與無公民
                                       Congress passes “The Cable Act” stating that a woman will lose
                                       her U.S citizenship if she marries a foreign man.
                                     + 羅省中華會館購建依士頓中華墳場。
                                       The Chinese Cemetery is constructed.

                      1924           + 國會通過新移民法案,禁止所有亞裔婦女入境。
                                       Congress passes a new immigration law prohibiting all Asian-
                                       women from entering the United States.

                      1925           + 「羅省溯源堂」正式成立。
                                       The Soo Yen Fraternal Association is established.
                                     + 3月12日,國父孫中山先生病逝北平,噩耗傳來,羅省中華會館和華埠

                   76  |  羅省中華會館時間軸 Timeline
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