Page 70 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 70

羅省中華會館時間軸 TIMELINE

                             about 20,025 people. The majority of the population are miners
                             spreading across California, and by 1870 they account for 30% of
                             the mining population.

            1853           + 加州州長約翰.畢各勒首倡排華,從此反華情緒日漸高漲,並擴及其
                             California Governor John Bigler begins to discriminate against the
                             Chinese. As a result, the first sense of anti-Chinese sentiments
                             begins to spread across California and to other states.
                           + 加州議會通過向外國礦工徵收牌照稅的法律,任何沒有牌照的人都不
                             California Legislature passes a law that all foreign mining indus-
                             tries importing or exporting gold must have a permit or license.
                             There is a monthly license or permit fee of four U.S. Dollars.

            1854           + 加州的最高法院作出判決,承認華人在加州沒有資格入籍,也沒有權
                             The U.S. Supreme Court rules that Chinese people are not eligible
                             to acquire citizenship, and do not have the right to act as witness-
                             es for Caucasians in court.
                           + 加州政府向華人礦工徵收「外籍礦工稅」,該筆稅款占當年政府稅收
                             California Legislature levies a law that the Chinese people have to
                             pay a “Foreign Miner Tax.” The amount of tax paid occupies more
                             than half of the amount of total government tax revenue.

            1855           + 加州立法議會通過反對沒有入籍資格的人向加州移民的法案。不過,
                             California Legislature passes a law that prohibits immigrants from
                             obtaining citizenship, but the California Supreme Court overrules
                             this law as it violates the U.S. Constitution and abolishes it the
                             following year.

            1858           + 加州立法議會通過禁止華人入境的法案;聯邦法庭以違反聯邦憲法判
                             California Legislature passes a law prohibiting Chinese people
                             from entering the United States, but the law is quickly abolished
                             by the U.S. Supreme Court because it violates the U.S. Constitu-

                                                     羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA  |  71
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