Page 79 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 79

125        Anniversary

                th  週年

                      1945           + 羅省中華會館董事會開會通過,在大中華實業公司捐贈的百老匯街
                                       925 號現址,籌建羅省中華會館。
                                       The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and the New
                                       Chinatown Property Owner’s Corporation relocate to 925 North
                                       Broadway in Los Angeles.

                      1946           + 《俊群軒》正式改名「全美俊英工商會羅省分會」。
                                       The Jan Ying Benevolent Association is established.

                      1947           + 修正1946年的《戰後新娘法案》(War Bride),允許華裔退伍軍妻子
                                       Congress revises the 1946 “War Bride” Bill, permitting Chinese
                                       veterans to sponsor their wife to the United States without com-
                                       plying with the immigration law.

                      1950           + 羅省中華會館大樓正式開工興建,由主席黃天相主持動土,建築師為
                                       The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association undergoes
                                       renovation conducted by Chairman Huang Tian Xiang.
                                     + 韓戰於6月25日爆發。「難民」身分的華人,包括滯留在美國的留學
                                       The Korean War erupts on June 25; thus, the number of refugees,
                                       including Chinese people, foreign students, and diplomats, in-

                      1951           + 羅省中華會館大樓工程於年底全部完成。
                                       The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association’s renovation is
                                       completed by the end of the year.

                                                                                      Inauguration of the new building
                                                                                      of Los Angeles’ CCBA and Chi-
                                                                                      nese Confucius Temple School.

                      1952           + 舉行羅省中華會館及中華孔教學校新大樓落成開幕典禮,盛況空前。
                                       A commemoration of establishment of the Chinese Confucius
                                       Temple of Los Angeles occurs.

                   80  |  羅省中華會館時間軸 Timeline
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