Page 84 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 84

羅省中華會館時間軸 TIMELINE

                             The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association holds an event
                             called the “Unification Party,” located at the Golden Wine Restau-
                             rant to show Chinese compatriotism and unification.
                           + 伍胥山公所、開平同鄉會、馬氏宗親會等加入羅省中華會館。
                             The EngSuey Sun Association, Hoy Ping Benevolent Association
                             of So. Cal., and Mar’s Family Association of So. Cal. joins the Chi-
                             nese Consolidated Benevolent Association.

            1981           + 「九一八事件」五十周年,主席劉子鎮領導發動全僑萬人大遊行,先
                             The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, led by Liu
                             ZiZhen, celebrates the 50th Anniversary of “9/18”, by gathering
                             10,000 people in Los Angeles to protest against the Japanese’s
                             intention to revise the history of the Sino-Japanese War. CCBA
                             then hands the protesting ballots to the Consulate in Little Tokyo
                             for their review.

            1982           + 「中華會館籃球隊」成立。
                             The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association basketball
                             team is established.

                                                                      CCBA’s basketball team is instrumental
                                                                      in promoting sports participation among
                                                                      Southern California’s Chinese.

            1984           + 電影《龍年》內容辱華,並出現中華會館字樣。羅省中華會館與泛美
                             MGM releases the film, “The Year of the Dragon.” The movie be-
                             comes controversial as it discriminates the Chinese and defames
                             the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association. Chairman Zhou
                             HongYan and other branches of CCBA file a lawsuit against MGM
                             for damages.

            1987           + 電影《龍年》內容辱華案件落幕,電影公司正式致歉,並作出17,500
                             MGM agreed to eliminate portions of the film that discriminates

                                                    羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA  |  85
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