Page 85 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 85
125 Anniversary
th 週年
the Chinese, but the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association
believes that MGM should also publicly apologize. On January 19,
1987, MGM apologizes and the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent
Association is awarded 17,500 dollars in damages.
1988 + 羅省中華會館籃球隊擴大組織,「中華會館籃球會」成立。
The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association establishes its
first basketball team.
1989 + 羅省中華會館慶祝成立一百周年,7月14日舉行盛大的慶祝晚會。
The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association celebrates its
100th Anniversary in observance of the association’s success and
support for compatriots.
1990 + 國會通過新移民法案,增加移民配額,重點在於專業、科技人才的資
Congress passes a new immigration act to increase immigration
quotas. The goal is to increase business and advance technology.
The United States gives special privileges to Chinese immigrants
from Hong Kong in celebration of the transfer of sovereignty of
Hong Kong back to China.
+ 日本多次篡改侵華歷史,否認慘絕人寰之「南京大屠殺」,羅省中華
Postwar Japan still tampers with Chinese history by denying both
their invasion and the Nanjing Massacre. The Chinese Consolidat-
ed Benevolent Association responds to this by protesting to the
Japanese Consulate.
1991 + 羅省中華會館在洛杉磯市政府草坪主辦「洛杉磯華人新年慶會」,活
The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association sponsors a Chi-
nese New Year Festival in Los Angeles. The event lasts the entire
day, celebrating various customs and cultures of different Chinese
ethnic groups.
1992 + 洛杉磯大暴動,不少華人遭受損害,中華會館與多個單位共組「洛杉
The Los Angeles Riot kills and injures countless Chinese people.
In response, the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association
86 | 羅省中華會館時間軸 Timeline