Page 90 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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羅省中華會館時間軸 TIMELINE
board plans to renovate the entire school. The association orga-
nized a construction committee and fundraises about $560,000.
2003 + 羅省中華孔教學校整建重修工程歷時8個月完成,盛大舉辦啟用典禮。
The Chinese Confucius Temple of Los Angeles celebrates their
completion of the renovation which took only eight months.
2004 + 12月26日,印尼蘇門答臘以北的海底發生9.3級大地震,引發海嘯高達
On December 26, the area to the north of Indonesia encounters
a 9.6 magnitude earthquake which spreads across as high as
ten meters, causing great disasters across Southeast Asia. Over
290,000 people die and over 3,000,000 homes are destroyed.
The first tour to the People’s
Republic of China organized
by CCBA.
+ 羅省中華會館發動全僑反對日本成為聯合國安理會常任理事國。
The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association call on all
overseas compatriots to oppose the motion to admit Japan as a
permanent member of the U. N. Security Council.
2005 + 羅省中華會館發動全僑捐款
The Chinese Consolidated
Benevolent Association
encourages other associa-
tions and people to donate
to the “South Asian Big
Tsunami.” 華埠社區,支持維拉萊戈沙參選洛杉磯市長
+ 9月1日,《卡崔娜颶風》狂掃 Supporting the mayoral race of Antonio Villaraigosa, a
good friend of the Chinese community.
On September 1st, Hurricane Katrina sweeps New Orleans, de-
stroying 80% of the urban district. The Chinese Consolidated
羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA | 91