Page 87 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 87

125        Anniversary

                th  週年

                                       the population of legal immigration. The proposal prohibits immi-
                                       grants already married from sponsoring their relatives over to the
                                       United States. As a result, many Asian immigrants including the
                                       Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association’s Board of Directors
                                       protests against this Immigration Act, afraid that the 1882 Chi-
                                       nese discrimination issues will arise once again.

                      1997           + 羅省中華會館積極呼籲華人重視總統大選,發動僑團為華裔辦理選民
                                       The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association encourages
                                       Chinese people to be more involved in presidential elections. The
                                       association assists by helping at ballot polls, and hope that nega-
                                       tive sentiments toward immigration will be overruled by the votes.
                                     + 朱棣文獲得諾貝爾物理獎。
                                       Steven Chu wins the Nobel Prize for Physics.

                      1998           + 羅省中華會館與其他團體前往印尼領事館抗議印尼排華,掠奪焚毀商
                                       CCBA and other organizations gathered at the Indonesian Consul-
                                       ate to protest the persecution of Chinese nationals in Indonesia,
                                       including looting and burning of businesses and homes, and mur-
                                       dering of innocents.

                                                                               Los  Angeles’  CCBA responding to world-
                                                                               wide activities in support of the rights of

                      1999           + 羅省中華會館聲援華裔科學家李文和。
                                       The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association encourages
                                       support for Chinese scientist Li Wenhe.
                                     + 台裔科學家李文和因涉嫌向中國或台灣洩露核機密,被新墨西哥州
                                       A Taiwan-born Chinese-American scientist, Li WenHe, is indicted
                                       by the U.S. Supreme Court under 59 counts for stealing secrets
                                       about U.S. nuclear arsenal for the People’s Republic of China

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