Page 91 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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125 Anniversary
th 週年
Benevolent Association helps organize funds and donations to
support families and individuals who were victims of Hurricane
Katrina, and help to build new homes.
2006 + 羅省中華會館主辦中國僑鄉
The Chinese Consolidated
Benevolent Association
sponsors the construction
of the” Kaiping Watch-
tower” and is reported on 美國聯邦眾議員趙美心和華埠關係深厚,她的
in the “International Real 祖父母就是羅省龍岡公所的會員
Estate Magazine.” Congresswoman Judy Chu and Chinatown have a deep
relationship, because her grandparents are members
+ 中華墳場百年重修動土,加建 of the member of Lung Kung Tin Yee Association.
The Chinese Cemetery of Los Angeles renovates the “Pavilion of
Respect” by planting new grasses and flowers nearby.
2007 + 鼓勵華人參政,支持加州眾
CCBA encourages Chi-
nese people to be more
involved in politics and to
vote in order to obtain bet-
ter welfare for their fellow
+ 在華埠亞洲城舉行遊民餐會, 勞工部長趙小蘭到洛杉磯訪問,並與華裔社區
農曆新年送暖。 The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association
In Chinatown, the associa- sponsors a seminar with guest speaker, Secretary of
tion donates meals to the Labor, Madame Elaine Chao to Los Angeles.
needed in commemoration
of Chinese New Year.
+ 勞工部長趙小蘭訪問華裔社區,羅省中華會館在帕沙迪納希爾頓酒店
In appreciation of the Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao’s visit to the
Chinese community, the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Asso-
ciation holds an event at the Hilton Hotel in Pasadena, thanking
her contribution to the community.
92 | 羅省中華會館時間軸 Timeline