Page 52 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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for it, many Chinese Americans were able mously approved the proposal of the Chi-
to better understand its importance. nese Exclusion Act.
本會館之創立與團結華埠僑團,始於該法 會館轄下福僑會邀請傳統僑社長輩座談,
案對全體華人造成的廣泛傷害和長期影 回首華人前輩在美的艱辛歷程,諄囑新生
響,百餘年來一直是以維護華裔權益為宗 代要謹記華裔在美的發展史,並從中汲取
旨,自然當仁不讓,給予最大的推動和支 經驗和教訓。1937年來美的會館顧問黃堯
持。本會館顧問暨美洲中華會館聯誼會秘 政將其收藏的「黃金德案」判決書捐出。
書長黃金泉在支持道歉案的餐會中表示, 前輩們希望華裔新生代能夠從該法案中
美洲各地中華會館在《排華法案》期間成 了解當年華人在排華案期間所遭受到的屈
為華人社會的管理者,以及對美國政府的 辱,以及唯有華人社區團結,才是維護華
窗口,擔負起保護華人的重擔。第二次世 人權益的根本所在。
界大戰期間,各地中華會館號召華人參 The Welfare Committee of CCBA invited
軍,為美國效忠,並推動美國廢除《排華 senior Chinese Americans to have a con-
法案》。儘管《排華法案》已成為過去, versation about the tough history early
但美國政府從未正式為這個在美國歷史上 Chinese Americans had and how to edu-
唯一通過國會立法的種族歧視法案道歉, cate the younger generation to learn from
令人遺憾。 these experiences and know that only to-
The CCBA was founded one hundred and gether can we protect our families and
twenty years ago, and has been fighting community. During this conversation, ex-
for the interests of overseas Chinese since. CCBA Chairman John Huang, who came
In 2011, Judy Chu, having a deep under- to the United States in 1937, donated his
standing of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion collection of notes from the United States v.
Act and the resulting unfair treatment suf- Wong Kim Ark case.
fered by Chinese immigrants, brought four
other federal members together and sub- 黃金德案(又之稱「合眾國對黃金德案」
mitted a motion to the House and the Sen- )發生於19世紀末。黃金德雖在美出生,
ately respectively asking for a formal apol- 但於1895年從台山探親返美時,被海關拘
ogy, and for Congress to acknowledge the 留,不承認其為美國公民。加州法院根據
great contribution of Chinese immigrants 《排華法案》裁決將他立即遞解出境。之
and their descendants to the United States. 後在僑團和黃氏宗親們的資助下上訴到最
本會館呼籲全僑積極地向國會寫信,表達 認黃金德為美國公民。這項裁決成為確立
全體華裔要求國會承認歷史錯誤,並就《 美國憲法第十四修正案「出生公民權」之
排華法案》進行道歉的多數意見。同年6 最重要判例。
月,在趙美心的推動之下,參議院全票通 The United States v. Wong Kim Ark case
過對排華法案道歉提案,18日再次在眾議 occurred in the 19th century. Wong Kim
院全票通過。 Ark, although born in the United States,
The CCBA encouraged all Chinese Ameri- was detained by US customs in 1895 while
cans to actively write to Congress asking returning to the US from visiting relatives in
for an apology and admit to the serious Taiwan, claiming he was not an American
historical mistake that was the 1882 Chi- citizen. A California Court deported him im-
nese Exclusion Act. In June of 2012, under mediately because of the Chinese Exclusion
pressure from Judy Chu, Congress unani- Act. After this happened, Wong appealed to
羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA | 53