Page 48 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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in a large parking lot or even on the streets. ees are expected to come to support their
It is very much a cultural phenomenon; teams and visit the local businesses.
2/3 of the players on each team must be
100% Chinese, and the rest must be of 慶祝中華民國建國100年
Asian descent. What started off as a small Celebrating 100 years of the Re-
competition soon grew into a worldwide public of China
tournament. The NACIVT is a three day
tournament event. 中華民國是由國父孫中山先生領導革命推
2016年,洛杉磯將再次輪值主辦「第七十 年10月的「辛亥革命‧武昌起義」獲得成
二屆北美華人排球大賽」。賽事進行中將 功,使中華民國在1912年元旦正式成立,
會有超過一千五百人聚集洛杉磯,屆時將 成為亞洲第一個民主共和國。
會帶來許多商機。 The Republic of China’s founding father
In 2016, Los Angeles will hold the 72nd Sun Yat-sen, after leading 10 revolutions,
Annual North American Chinese Invitation- finally succeeded on October 10, 1911 to
al Volleyball Tournament. 1,500 attend- overthrow the Qing Dynasty. This day is
The CCBA called upon all Chinese to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the ROC. A grand Double-Tenth National Day flag raising ceremony
was held in front of the CCBA building.
羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA | 49 125 Anniversary CCBA LA | 49