Page 50 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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                                                                                        一百大遊行, 全僑參

          Supervisors, Chairman, and Deputy Chair-         本會館除在主題活動中承擔主辦工作,也
          man visit and present flowers to the statue      支援全僑的相關慶祝活動。
          before the completion of their inauguration.     Since our seniors made a huge sacrifice in
          In addition, every year on Sun Yat-sen’s         order to support Sun Yat-sen, the activity
          birthday and the day of his death, Youth Day     of expulsion of  invaders and the restoration
          on March 29 commemorating the Second             of China, as well as the fight for democracy
          Guangzhou Uprising, Double Ten National          and the creation of the Republic of China,
          Day, and other major holidays, the CCBA          our Association takes the ROC centenary
          brings all member associations to visit and      birthday activities very seriously. The As-
          present flowers to the statue in admiration      sociation brings overseas Chinese together
          and respect.                                     and celebrates the centenary birthday of the
                                                           ROC. On April 15th, 2010, the Preparatory
          早年,本會館前輩先賢支持孫中山先生之                               Committee held overseas Chinese prepa-
          國民革命,共同為驅逐韃虜,恢復中華的                               rations for the celebration of the inaugural
          理想奮鬥,除幫助當時的祖國同胞爭取民                               meeting in Southern California. The CCBA,
          主,民國創建之後,始終關切祖國發展,                               aside from organizing major events like the
          從討伐袁世凱、北伐,乃至抗日戰爭期間                               Double Ten National Day parade and flag-
          與祖國同胞共赴國難,一路行來,付出甚                               raising ceremonies, supports other related
          鉅。因此,本會館對於中華民國建國百歲                               Chinese celebrations as well.
          的前夕,即開始號召全僑積極籌備各項慶                               同年的10月10日雙十國慶之後,僑界慶祝
          祝活動。2010年4月15日,南加州僑界籌                            建國百年活動正式展開,其中包括「輝煌
          備慶祝活動之籌備委員會舉行成立大會,                               百年」音樂朗誦饗宴;慶祝建國百年文化

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