Page 55 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 55

125        Anniversary

                th  週年

                   中華會館聯誼會秘書長黃金泉等僑領在會                               and Chen Shyh-Kwei. After the welcoming
                   館門前熱烈歡迎金溥聰和陳士魁。在歡迎                               ceremony, they held the opening ceremo-
                   的儀式之後,並共同為馬英九親筆題贈的                               ny for Ma Ying-jeou’s personally inscribed
                   匾額「文德興國」揭幕。隨後陪同金溥聰                               plaque. Afterwards, King Pu-Tsung and
                   和陳士魁前往孫中山銅像敬獻花圈,並轉                               Chen Shyh-Kwei visited the statue of Sun
                   往馬氏公所拜會。                                         Yat-sen, followed by a visit to the Mar’s
                   In early August in 2013, President Ma            Family Association.
                   Ying-jeou changed his schedule to vis-
                   it the CCBA because of the “Tanmei Ty-           2014年1月28日,馬英九總統率團參訪洛
                   phoon” hitting Taiwan. Taking his place to       杉磯,並在駐美代表金溥聰、美國在台協
                   visit the CCBA and the Mar’s Family Asso-        會主席薄瑞光、外交部部長林永樂、國安
                   ciation was King Pu-Tsung from the Taipei        會秘書長袁健生和洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦
                   Economic and Cultural Representative Of-         事處處長令狐榮達等人等陪同下,拜會
                   fice (TECRO), and Chairman Chen Shyh-            羅省中華會館,成為本會館創立125年來
                   Kwei from the Overseas Community Affairs         首位訪問的中華民國總統。他所致贈的「
                   Council. Although the CCBA and all 27 of         文德興國」匾額已在會館大廳正門上方懸
                   its member associations had planned for          掛。
                   the President’s visit to Chinatown for a long    On January 28, 2014, President Ma Ying-
                   time, they understood and supported the          jeou led a delegation to visit the CCBA ac-
                   sudden change of schedule. President Ma          companied by King Pu-Tsung, American
                   Ying-jeou telephoned Chairman Ma Guo-            Institute  in  Taiwan  Chairman  Burghardt,
                   wei to apologize for the unexpected change       Minister of Foreign Affairs David Lin, Na-
                   and promised he will visit the CCBA in the       tional  Security  Council  Secretary-General
                   future. On August 20, CCBA Chairman Ma           Yuan Jiansheng, and Taipei Economic and
                   Guowei, Federation of Chinese Organiza-          Cultural Office (TECO) in Los Angeles Di-
                   tions of America Secretary-General Larry         rectoral General Amb. Bruce J. D. Linghu.
                   Wong, and many other community leaders           He became the first ROC President to visit
                   gave a warm welcome to King Pu-Tsung             the CCBA since its foundation 125 years

                                                                                               The teachers and
                                                                                               students of the Chinese
                                                                                               Confucius Temple School
                                                                                               welcoming and present-
                                                                                               ing a bouquet of flowers
                                                                                               to President Ma Ying-
                                                                                               jeou in front of the CCBA

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