Page 56 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 56
Chairman Wayne Ng, on behalf of the CCBA, presenting a copy of the full 1979 oath in support of the
ROC and to resist America building a relationship with the People’s Republic of China to ROC President
Ma Ying-jeou.
ago. any welcome ceremony. CCBA Chairman
Wayne Ng and the Federation of Chinese
馬英九總統的車隊於下午3時抵達中華會 Organizations of America Secretary-Gen-
館,大門口鑼鼓喧天,英端工商會、菁英 eral Larry Wong, ex-CCBA Chairmen Jim
醒獅團和南加州華裔頤養會舞獅團的十隻 Lew and Michael Chang, and teachers
巨獅在熱烈的氣氛中以舞獅獻瑞致以最高 and students from the Chinese Confucius
規格的歡迎,中華會館主席伍尚齊和美洲 Temple of Los Angeles all came to welcome
中華會館聯誼會秘書長黃金泉、中華會館 President Ma Ying-jeou. Chairman Wayne
顧問劉子鎮、張自豪及僑務委員會委員長 Ng, on behalf of the CCBA, present a copy
陳士魁等都在大門前迎接。伍尚齊代表會 of the full 1979 oath in support of the ROC
館致贈1979年中國大陸和美國建交時,本 and to resist America building a relation-
會館發動全僑反對美國與中國大陸建交, ship with the People’s Republic of China.
並聯合所屬二十四個僑團(當時只有二十 The CCBA joined the then-24 other Chi-
四個)發表聯合聲明,誓言永遠支持中華 nese associations to make the announce-
民國之歷史文件的複製本。本會館將這份 ment to support the ROC forever. In order
聲明書做成牌匾,向馬英九總統表達中華 to prove the CCBA will always support the
會館永遠支持中華民國的決心。 ROC to President Ma Ying-jeou, the Asso-
At about 3pm, President Ma Ying-jeou ar- ciation made the oath into a plaque.
rived at the CCBA and received a tremen-
dously warm welcome at the front door. 馬英九總統感念華僑在國父革命和抗戰時
Ying On Merchants & Labor Benevolent 期出錢出力的愛國行為,並回憶當年台美
Association, Los Angeles Jing Ying, and 斷交之時,正在波士頓就讀哈佛法學院,
The Elderly Indo-Chinese Association pre- 也跟當地的紐英倫中華公所一起共同奮
sented a ten lion dance, the highest for 鬥,中華公所找他擔任發言人;他「書也
羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA | 57