Page 59 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 59

125        Anniversary

                th  週年

                   善款共計募得超過十萬元。                                     後記
                   In August 2014, disasters occurred in Tai-       Afterword
                   wan and China one after another. After the
                   gas  explosion  in  Gaoxiong,  Taiwan,  a  6.1   百年世事,彈指滄桑。先僑秉持中華文化
                   magnitude earthquake devastated Ludian,          傳統之優良特性,中國人之勤勞美德,歷
                   Yunnan. Shuangqi Wu, the chairman of the         經艱苦,在海外開基創業。早期羅省中華
                   CCBA, convened all Chinese immigrants to         會館的歷史可考者不多,不盡之處,勢所
                   help the victims through the Send Love to        難免,敬希社會賢達,提供相關史料,以
                   Gaoxiong and Send Love to Ludian donation        利日後增補。
                   campaigns. These campaigns were to help          For hundreds of years, Chinese immigrants
                   and encourage the victims who had just           have attained moral excellence and merits
                   lost their homeland to live on and rebuild       due to their hard work and efforts in es-
                   their homes. All Chinese groups responded        tablishing a foundation to assist future im-
                   intensively, as all Chinese from both sides      migrants. The early history of the CCBA is
                   of the sea were the same family and of the       difficult to research and verify. We apolo-
                   same blood. On August 9th, The Donation          gize for any shortcomings in this regard.
                   of Ludian, Yunnan was held at the Golden         We hope that readers would kindly provide
                   Dragon Restaurant in Chinatown. The total        us with information you might have so that
                   donation amount was $100,000.                    we could supplement our database in fu-
                                                                    ture publications.

                   Donations for Gaoxiong, Taiwan and Ludian, Yunnan.

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