Page 57 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 57
125 Anniversary
th 週年
不念了,每天跑去發言」。他表示,因為 traveled to the Mar’s Family Association.
生與僑界,結合起來了。一直到現在,他 沈呂巡贈送《蒲安臣條約》複製本
還跟一些老僑有聯繫,以及「那種革命情 Shen Lyu-shun Gifts Copy of “Bur-
感,是永遠不會變的。」 lingame Treaty”
Ma Ying-jeou appreciated the contribu-
tions made by Chinese Americans during 6月11日,中華民國駐美代表沈呂巡拜訪
the Sino-Japanese War and the revolu- 羅省中華會館,特別贈送了1868年美國政
tion led by Sun Yat-sen. He also recalled 府與清朝所簽訂的《蒲安臣條約》複製的
the year when the relationship between 中英文本給羅省中華會館作為永遠收藏。
the ROC and the US was broken. He was a 沈呂巡在駐洛杉磯辦事處處長令狐榮達陪
student at Harvard Law School at the time, 同下首次拜訪洛杉磯羅省中華會館,他驚
and he joined the local CCBA in Boston as a 喜於本會館在海外長期支持中華民國,以
spokesperson, giving public speeches ev- 及是長期擔負團結海外華人的重要社團。
ery day instead of going to class. Because 他並以使節的禮儀向中華會館贈送對於美
of that event, Taiwanese students united to 國華人極為重要的《蒲安臣條約》中英文
support each other. He still keeps in touch 原件複製本,並詳細解說這個使當年華人
with some of the friends he made during 能夠合法居留美國的條約。
that time, saying that their camaraderie will Taipei Economic and Cultural Represen-
never change due to their experiences to- tative Office (TECRO) representative Shen
gether. Lyu-Shun visited the CCBA for the first
time on June 11th, 2014. In apprecia-
隨後,馬英九總統一行百餘人步行至華埠 tion for the CCBA’s longstanding support of
中央廣場,向國父孫中山銅像鞠躬致意和 the ROC and the crucial role they played in
獻花致敬。之後,再轉往洛杉磯馬氏公所 bringing Chinese Americans together since
拜會,並遵循古禮祭祖。 its foundation, he presented a special gift:
Then, Ma Ying-jeou, with over a hundred the English and Chinese version copy of
people, walked to Chinatown Central Plaza “Burlingame Treaty” signed by the US and
to salute and pay tribute to the statue of Qing Dynasty governments in 1868, fol-
Sun Yat-sen with flowers. After that, they lowed by an explanation of the history and
January 28, 2014 , President Ma Ying-jeou
led a delegation to visit Los Angeles Chinese
Association and accompanied with ROC
representative King Pu -tsung.
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