Page 51 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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125        Anniversary

                th  週年

                   饗宴;「歡樂跨年迎百歲」等。2011年1                             tional Day Variety Show”, “The Whole of the
                   月1日,中華民國建國百年元旦升旗典禮                               Eight - Defined Chart (Orphan) National
                   在本會館前盛大舉行。                                       Drama Big Performances”,  and more.
                   After October 10th of the same year, cel-
                   ebrations in anticipation of the upcoming        支持國會眾議員趙美心提案要求國會
                   Double Ten National Day began. The cel-          對當年的《排華法案》致歉
                   ebrations included music festivals, cultural     Supporting Congresswoman Judy
                   feasts, and other events. On January 1,          Chu’s Proposal to Congress to
                   2011, the flag-raising ceremony to com-          Apologize for the Chinese Exclu-
                   memorate  the  100th  anniversary  of  the       sion Act
                   Republic of China was held in front of the
                   CCBA building.                                   2011年5月,羅省省中華會館和美洲中華
                   當月8日,精彩百年「台灣之夜」南加旅                               會眾議員趙美心提案要求美國國會對1882
                   美藝人聯合大公演在帕沙迪納市立學院的                               年聯邦通過的《排華法案》致歉,該法案
                   劇院登場。此後,包括「梅花滿天下」「                               給華僑先輩帶來磨難和屈辱,使許多華人
                   百齡薪傳聖火傳遞」「虎虎生『豐』毛毯                               枉死異域,骨肉乖離。
                   藝術展」「劉峰雄教授作品展」「精彩                                In May of 2011, the CCBA and the Federa-
                   百年嘉年華園遊會」「七友書畫展」「千                               tion of Chinese Organizations of America
                   歲賀百年」「璀燦一百無雙樂團音樂會」                               jointly supported Congresswoman Judy
                   「璀燦一百晚宴」「璀燦一百精彩共享演                               Chu’s proposal to Congress to apologize for
                   唱會」「中華民國精彩百年百輛哈雷護旗                               the Chinese Exclusion Act. The 1882 act
                   活動」「百年辛亥兩岸情-望江亭京劇演                               brought humiliating ordeals upon countless
                   出」「華埠雙十國慶大遊行」「百年雙十                               people in the Chinese community, causing
                   國慶綜藝晚會」「全本八義圖(趙氏孤兒)                              many wrongful deaths and resulting in the
                   國劇大公演」等。                                         separation of numerous families.
                   On January 8, the famous show “Taiwan
                   Night” involved Asian American artists           本會館成立一百二十餘年以來,一直為華
                   performing in Sexson Auditorium at Pasa-         裔爭取利益。由於本會館於2010年出版發
                   dena Community College. Other events at          行的《羅省中華會館120週年特刊》中曾
                   other locations included the “Plum Over          簡潔說明《排華法案》對於當時華人的不
                   the World”, “Ballantine Heritage Torch Re-       公平待遇。因此,當趙美心聯合四位眾議
                   lay”, “Tiger”, “Feng Blanket Art Exhibition”,    員,分別向國會參眾兩院提交議案,要求
                   “Professor Liu Fengxiong Exhibition”, “Won-      國會對1882年通過的《排華法案》致歉,
                   derful Hundred Carnival Circus”,  “Seven         並承認中國移民及其後代對美國發展作出
                   Dwarfs Painting Exhibition”, “He Chitose         的巨大貢獻時,也有更多的華裔人士能夠
                   Centuries”, “Splendid One Hundred War-           了解這項行動對於在美華人的重要意義。
                   riors Orchestra,”, “Splendid One Hundred         For over 100 years, protecting the rights
                   Dinner”, “Splendid One Hundred Wonderful         of Chinese Americans has always been the
                   Shared Concert”, “ROC Wonderful Hundred          main purpose of the CCBA. The 1882 Chi-
                   One Hundred Harley- guard Flags”, “Xinhai        nese Exclusion Act was discussed in the
                   Hundred Strait - Wangjiangting Peking Op-        CCBA’s 120th anniversary commemorative
                   era”, “Double Ten National Day Parade in         book, so when Congresswoman Judy Chu
                   Chinatown”, “Rise of the Double Ten Na-          proposed to Congress to formally apologize

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