Page 47 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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125 125 Anniversary
th th 週年
2009, CCBA becomes
one of the host cities of
the Annual North Ameri-
can Chinese Invitational
Volleyball Tournament.
舉辦的「第六十四屆北美華人排球大賽」 華人歷史中的不可或缺的重要組成部分,
,並提出申請使洛杉磯成為舉辦華人排球 該賽事起源於1937年,當時已有華人移居
聯賽的北美六大城市之一。2009年9月5日 北美,從事餐飲業、洗衣業等,由於受到
至7日,羅省中華會館首度成為「北美華 《排華法案》的影響,當時對華人仍存有
人排球大賽」的主辦城市之一。「第六十 歧視和限制,華人在辛苦工作之餘,竟沒
五屆北美華人排球大賽」籌辦與舉辦期間 有什麼娛樂可言,年輕的華人為排解工作
適逢全球經濟不景氣,仍吸引大量的選手 疲勞和增加休閒生活育樂,便在華埠的空
報名參賽。羅省中華會館連任主席伍競群 地上以打排球作為消遣,並且逐漸形成定
於2009年初即開始安排大賽的各項籌備事 制,相約在每年勞工節的長周末舉辦排球
宜,包括隊員與其他五大城市前來參加大 友誼比賽。剛開始時的規模很小,只有寥
賽的吃住等場地,大賽期間的活動費用, 寥數隊參加,比賽也只有一天。年復一
比賽使用場地等,令洛杉磯地區首度舉辦 年,發展至今已成為北美華人社區每年一
的大賽圓滿成功。 度,為期三天的大規模賽事。
From September 5th through the 7th of The North American Chinese Invitational
2009, Los Angeles had the pleasure of Volleyball Tournament (NACIVT) is not only
hosting the 65th Annual North American a tournament to the Chinese people, it also
Chinese Invitational Volleyball Tournament. encompasses a history of indispensable
Although it was held in the midst of a bad events. The history of a 9-man volleyball
economy, it still attracted a great number of team in North America’s Chinatowns start-
contestants, registrants, and participants. ed back in 1935 when Providence trav-
CCBA President Peter Ng started working eled to Boston for a match against Boston’s
at the beginning of the year with repre- team. It was not until 1937, also during the
sentatives of CCBA from five other cities to time of the Chinese Exclusionary Act, that
raise funds to hold this exciting event. the organization was officially considered a
tournament. It started out as friendly tour-
「北美華人排球賽」對北美華人而言,其 nament that is held outdoors and played on
意義不僅是一個大型的比賽,更是北美 pavement, with the courts typically set up
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