Page 46 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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          ment began to consider streamlining its          conveyed the CCBA’s hope that the Execu-
          organizational structure. The proposal in-       tive Yuan withdraw its unilateral decision,
          cluded placing the Overseas Compatri-            otherwise the consequences would be very
          ot Affairs Commission (OCAC) under the           grave.
          Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Chinese world-
          wide were stunned upon learning this.            華僑乃革命之母。即使時過境遷,政府不
          They began conveying their opposition to         再需要華僑在政治和經濟上的支持,本
          the idea through various channels, writing       身又沒有選票,無法在政黨輪替上給予關
          letters and making statements, explaining        鍵上的支持,中華民國政府也不應抹煞華
          the harmful consequences of the proposed         僑對祖國的愛護和奉獻,罔顧華僑支援祖
          move.                                            國的史實,草率決定斬斷逾百年的深情厚
          羅省中華會館反對中華民國政府裁併僑務                               海外僑胞在裁併僑務委員會的議題上,給
          委員會,並發動全美中華會館於一旦被裁                               了馬英九執政的政府諫言和壓力﹐但都是
          併之日全體降半旗,以示僑胞之傷痛。                                善意的。
          The CCBA opposes the ROC government in           Overseas  compatriots  are  the  indispens-
          consolidating the Overseas Chinese Affairs       able force that contributed to the success
          Commission with the Ministry of Foreign          of the revolution of the Republic in the early
          Affairs. In response, the CCBA gathered the      20th Century. The ROC government should
          Chinese people  to protest and were  pre-        not efface their sacrifice and patriotism,
          pared to lower the ROC flag midway on            and  in  the  process  risk  losing  a  powerful
          all of its associations’ flagpoles to show       support base. The pressure put upon Ma
          signs of grief if the consolidation were to      Ying-jeou’s government by overseas Chi-
          go through.                                      nese on this subject is constructive and of
                                                           good intention.
          府派員專程來美說明。中華會館理事會                                4月8日,精簡政府組織方案決定保留,不
          議決,會館及所屬僑團將不出席政府在洛                               予裁併僑務委員會,僑胞們深感慶慰。
          杉磯舉辦的「行政院組織改造說明會」,                               On  April  8th,  we  were  glad  to  learn  that
          並由主席伍競群代表中華會館和二十七團                               the ROC government made the decision to
          體,向行政院研考會主委江宜樺、僑務會                               keep the OCAC in its present position in the
          委員長吳英毅等轉達反對裁併的抗議信,                               government’s organizational chart.
          速懸崖勒馬,撤消裁併計畫,否則必將導                               2009年舉辦北美華人排球大賽
          致非常嚴重地後果。                                        The CCBA’s Participation in the
          On the eve of the passage of the motion,         65th Annual North American Chi-
          the CCBA’s Board of Directors voted not to       nese Invitational Volleyball Tourna-
          attend the “Executive Chamber Re-organi-         ment (NACIVT)
          zation Briefing”. CCBA President Peter Ng,
          representing the 27 association members,         「北美華人排球賽」是具有特殊意義的北
          tendered a letter of protest to Dr. Wu Ying-     美華人重大體育賽事之一,過去都在美國
          yih, Minister of the OCAC, and Mr. Chiang        紐約、舊金山、波士頓和加拿大的多倫多
          Yi-hua, Minister of Research, Development        及蒙特利爾等北美五大城市舉行,羅省中
          and Evaluation Commission. The letter            華會館主席伍競群於2008年應邀出席紐約

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