Page 43 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 43
125 Anniversary
th 週年
擊。恐怖份子通過劫持二架民航飛機衝撞 地崩塌;紐約市消防隊員奮不顧身衝入各
紐約地標性建築「世界貿易中心」雙塔。 個樓層搶救受困者,並於雙塔崩塌時不及
這個事件包括另一架被劫持飛機衝撞美國 走避,因公殉職,精神可佩。本會館發動
國防部總部所在地五角大樓,以及一架 全僑捐款五十餘萬元。
被劫後墜毀的飛機。整個事件被統稱為 The 110-floors of the Twin Towers of the
「911事件」;共有二千九百八十六人不 World Trade Center collapsed and disinte-
幸喪生。紐約市受創最重,隨著世貿雙塔 grated. Thousands were killed and injured,
的倒塌,周邊建築也遭到嚴重損毀,共有 including 343 heroic firefighters called
六座建築全毀,另有二十三座高層建築遭 to the scene to rescue victims that were
到破壞,美國經濟亦遭到嚴重打擊。 caught in the buildings as they were tum-
On September 11, 2001, at 8:40 am EST, bling down.
terrorists hijacked two airplanes and at-
tacked New York’s World Trade Center in 同時,中華會館發動全僑在華埠的愛盼中
Manhattan. Another group of terrorists at- 心,蒙特利公園市的巴恩斯公園舉辦燭光
tacked the Pentagon. 2,986 people were 晚會,追悼死難者,也為傷重的消防隊員
killed. All six buildings of the World Trade 們,以及美國祈福。隨著這個不幸事件的
Center was reduced to rubble and anoth- 發生,中華會館顧問趙尚賢等發起「天佑
er 23 high-rise buildings were destroyed. 美國」的愛國活動,並開始每年舉辦慶祝
This tragic event galvanized worldwide an- 美國獨立紀念日升旗典禮和嘉年華會。
ti-terrorist actions, and spurred the wars in The CCBA organized a memorial gathering
Afghanistan and Iraq. at Chinatown’s Alpine Park and Monterey
Park’s Barnes Park to pray for those killed
這個事件影響深遠,不僅導致全球性的反 and injured, for their families, as well as for
恐行動,以及阿富汗戰爭和伊拉克戰爭。 the firefighters who lost a lot of their com-
時至今日,恐怖份子的活動猖獗,手段越 rades. After the “9/11 Attack,” the CCBA
趨殘酷狠毒,由「伊拉克伊斯蘭國」演化 celebrates the US Independence Day with a
的極端組織「伊拉克和大敘利亞伊斯蘭國 carnival and banquets.
(Islamic State of Iraq and al Shams
,縮寫為ISIS)更是兇殘,導致難民流離 捐款中國雪災和汶川大地震
失所,成為國際問題。 Fundraising for China’s Big Snow-
This remarkable single event has resulted storm, and the 2008 Sichuan
an international act of anti-terrorism and Earthquake
even the Afghan and Iraq war. As the time
passed, the terrorists are still very active 2008年,中國大陸災難不斷,造成重大人
today. ISIS is the cruelest organization 員喪亡和經濟損失。
in the world, which is killing people as a 首先是1月10日起,中國南方諸省發生大
hobby. Their extreme actions are now a big 範圍低溫、雨雪、冰凍等自然災害。包括
threat to all people. 上海、江蘇、浙江、安徽、江西、河南、
世貿雙塔的一百一十層的摩天大樓在遭到 貴州、雲南、陝西、甘肅、青海、寧夏、
攻擊後相繼倒塌,附近多座建築受震坍 新疆等均受到不同程度的低溫、雨雪、冰
塌,死傷者數以千計,其中包括在事件發 凍災害影響;受災人口已超過一億。本會
生後抵達火場執行任務的三百四十三名消 館立即發動所屬的僑團捐款賑災,共計募
防員。當時,雙塔上層陷於火海,並不斷 得四萬美元,協助災區重建和安頓災民。
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