Page 39 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 39
125 Anniversary
th 週年
助的辦法,並協助填表。當時的華裔各級 捐款救助外州水災
政要:州務卿余江月桂、州稅務委員鄺傑 The CCBA’s Assistance in Natural
靈、市長布萊德雷的助理吳美玉、洛縣社 Disasters
議員趙美心等都前來與會,除表達慰問之 「相與為善,和平共處」,加州以外地區
外,並回答災民提出的問題。 曾發生兩次重大水災,分別是1993年8月
The CCBA and the Offices of Michael Woo 31日「美國中西部水災」和2005年9月1日
held meetings to assist injured members
from the riot to apply for government sub- ) 狂掃路易斯安那州「紐奧良」(New Or-
sidies. Councils from various cities joined leans),狂風暴雨令水位暴漲,加上潰堤
this meeting to further help this relief. 造成八成市區被水淹沒,紐奧良市長宣布
此外,羅省中華會館也以行動支持二百多 On August 31, 1993, the Midwest suf-
位受害華人在華埠發動遊行,抗議不公平 fered massive flooding. Twelve years later,
對待,反對暴力,訴求多元族裔應和睦相 on September 1, 2005, Hurricane Katrina
處。 swept New Orleans, destroying 80% of the
In addition, CCBA held a march in sup- urban district. People from New Orleans
port of more than 200 Chinese-Americans were told to abandon their homes and
who were victims of unfair treatment and evacuate the city.
violence, and demanded peaceful co-exis-
tence with all races. 四海之內都是兄弟,本會館秉持「相與為
州務卿余江月桂出席會館的救災活動中, 動會館所轄僑團與全僑捐款,幫著災民早
疾呼華人定要積極參予政治,華裔的權 日脫困,重建家園。
益才能進一步得到重視。此外,選舉時一 The CCBA believes in the saying: “all peo-
定要投票,因為當政者只會聆聽選民的聲 ple in the four seas are brothers”. Two days
音。自此暴亂之後,中華會館更積極發動 after each of the two natural disasters, the
全僑問政、參政,包括發起支持民主黨和 CCBA called upon its members to make
共和黨的候選人,包括總統候選人、聯邦 donations to help the victims rebuild their
參眾議員……乃至州府、縣市等各級民選 homes and lives.
和籌款,聯合華埠及華人社區,出錢出 捐款救助北嶺地震受災戶,並協助申
力,爭取選票。 請貸款重建
Secretary of State March Fong Eu urged The CCBA’s Assistance in Earth-
Chinese Americans to get involved in the quakes and Home Renovations
political process to be taken seriously, and
to vote so our voices could be heard. As 1994年1月17日凌晨4時31分於洛杉磯北郊
a result, the CCBA actively mobilized fi- 繁榮的聖費南度谷(San Fernando Val-
nancial and human resources to get the ley)發生「北嶺大地震」(Northridge
Chinese community involved in supporting Earthquake),強度六點七級。地震災情
candidates, particularly Chinese-Amer- 嚴重,有五十七人喪生,一千五百餘人輕
icans who are running for office in every 重傷,數千人無家可歸,約一萬兩千五百
level of government, be they Democrat or 棟房屋嚴重損壞,財產損失達數億美元。
Republican. 在這次震災中有不少華人的房屋被震裂、
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