Page 36 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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          慶祝羅省中華會館成立一百週年紀念                                 出仍偶有收入不敷支出之困境。
          The CCBA Celebrates its 100th                    The Overseas Community Affairs Council of
          Anniversary                                      the Republic of China sends a performing
                                                           arts group from Taiwan every year to sup-
          1989年為會館成立一百週年,緬懷先僑建                             port the celebrations of the National Day
          立會館之事蹟,為鼓勵吾輩繼往開來之熱                               of the Republic of China. The CCBA always
          誠,遂於7月14日於會館大禮堂舉行慶祝                              holds this event, even though prior to 1987
          大會,由共同主席黃堯政、余國柱共同主                               the events always suffered a deficit despite
          持慶典。各僑團致送之花籃,擺滿禮堂直                               the  support  of these Chinese  immigrants
          至大門外,鮮艷奪目,芬芳馥郁。同時,                               living here.
          務委員會委員長曾廣順題詞「造福同僑」                               1987年,會館應屆主席黃振華接下主辦華
          。中華民國駐美代表丁懋時、僑務委員會                               夏綜藝訪問團國慶晚會之責,便約當時活
          曾廣順委員長、海工會鄭心雄主任、陳錫                               躍於華埠的張永中、章志綸、馬樹榮、何
          籓處長等均親臨祝賀,僑領碩彥,濟濟一                               海量等共商演出計畫。當時何海量擔任洛
          堂。                                               杉磯縣縣政委員安東諾維奇助理,可協助
          On July 14, 1989, the CCBA celebrated its        租用洛杉磯音樂中心(Los Angeles Music
          100th Anniversary in observance of the as-       Center),該場地有三千多座位,但場
          sociation’s success and support for com-         地、音響、燈光及工作人員費用,全部支
          patriots. Among the many famous people           出約需二萬美元,平均一張票成本便要十
          who came to deliver their congratulations        美元,當時無人有把握可售出八成以上座
          were representatives from the Overseas           位,就在準備放棄之時,章志綸提出「就
          Chinese Affairs Commission, Sea Trade            算虧本,應該相差也不多,到時大家一起
          Union, and the Consul of the Republic of         來分攤,至少能在一流場地玩一次,也算
          China.                                           值得。」於是,中華會館和所屬僑團,以
          慶祝大會由會館資深顧問黃國如講述會                                反應熱烈。因此,華夏訪問團連續數年都
          館歷史,同日下午6時在金龍酒家舉行公                               在洛杉磯音樂中心成功演出。不僅如此,
          宴,僑界領袖、學者殷商、政府和民選官                               除了支付場地等支出之外,還有盈餘,
          員,匯聚一堂,逾千人與會,場面盛大。                               將過去舉辦雙十國慶活動的不足,一一補
          CCBA’s senior advisor Poy Wong spoke             平。
          about the history of the Association. A ban-     In 1987, CCBA Chairman Zhenhua Huang
          quet attended by over a thousand guests          invited  Yongzhong  Zhang,  Zhilun  Zhang,
          and elected officials was held at Golden         Shurong Ma, and Jimmy He to discuss how
          Dragon Restaurant in the evening.                to support and improve the CCBA. Jim-
                                                           my He was the assistant of a Los Angeles
          盛極一時的國慶晚會                                        county supervisor, and he was able to help
          The Famous National Day Dinner                   the CCBA rent the Los Angeles Music Cen-
                                                           ter, which had more than 3000 seats. The
          僑務委員會為支援海外僑社辦理慶祝中華                               total cost of renting the Los Angeles Music
          民國國慶系列活動,每年由國內派出綜藝                               Center was $20,000, and the cost of each
          訪問團-華夏綜藝訪問團,洛杉磯地區都                               admission ticket was $10. No one was sure
          是由中華會館負責主辦事宜。此間雖為華                               that they could sell more than 80 percent
          人聚居的地區,但在1987年以前,每年演                             of the tickets, but Zhilun Zhang brought up

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