Page 38 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 38


          11am, lots of traditional Chinese food was       士辛苦了半輩子的事業,其中,龍岡親義
          served on the sward in front of the square.      公所前主席趙尚賢的商舖付之一炬。羅省
          The showcase and lottery draw event took         中華會館與洛杉磯市議員胡紹基辦公室、
          half a day on the rostrum. There were abun-      洛杉磯華埠服務中心、中華總商會、南加
          dant gifts provided by different groups, and     州律師協會、華裔銀行協會、華人雜貨店
          the staff was still handing them out at 4pm      公會等等二十多個華人團體,成立「洛杉
          that day.                                        磯救濟基金會」展開勸募,緊急籌募基金
          關切舊金山地震受災民眾                                      的華人。
          Concerns for the Victims of the                  On April 29, 1992, four Caucasian police
          1989 San Francisco Earthquake                    officers accused of beating African-Amer-
                                                           ican Rodney King for speeding and evading
          1989年10月17日,舊金山發生苪氏七級地                           arrest were found not guilty by the jury. The
          震,本會館共同主席余國柱、黃堯政次                                anger of the African-American commu-
          日即去函舊金山中華總會館表示關切,表                               nity erupted into the “Los Angeles Riot of
          達在此緊急時刻,倘有需要將發動社區力                               1992”, resulting in 55 deaths, 2,000 inju-
          量,伸出援手,紓解災民困危。當時的羅                               ries, 1,100 damaged buildings, and more
          省逸仙中文學校隨即響應中華會館號召,                               than $900,000,000 in property damage.
          發起一人一元救災,每位師生踴躍捐輸,                               The CCBA, along with the Los Angeles Chi-
          幫助地震中華裔不幸死難者的家屬。                                 natown Service Center, the Chinese Cham-
          On October 17, 1989, a magnitude seven           ber of Commerce, the Southern California
          earthquake occurred in San Francisco. Los        Bar Association, members of the Chinese
          Angeles CCBA  Chairmen  Guozhu Yu  and           Bankers Association, the Chinese Trade
          John Huang wrote letters to the San Fran-        Union and more than 20 other associations
          cisco CCBA one day later and declared that       launched the “Los Angeles Relief Founda-
          if there any needs the community would           tion” to solicit contributions to assist Chi-
          respond at once. Yixian Chinese School of        nese residents that were killed, injured, or
          Los Angeles responded to the CCBA im-            who sustained property damages due to
          mediately and convened every teacher and         the riot.
          student to each donate $1 to help the vic-
          tims of this earthquake.                         羅省中華會館並與胡紹基辦公室聯合舉辦
          Relief for the Victims of the Los
          Angeles Riot

          一百棟建築物損毀,財產損失九億美元以                               1989年,本會館尚存發動捐款舊金山地震的剪報
                                                           A 1989 newspaper clipping of the CCBA launching the donation drive to support
          上。被暴民搶掠的商家中有許多是華裔人                               victims of the San Francisco earthquake.

                                                    羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA  |  39
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