Page 40 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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壞,損失慘重。除了前往探視慰問受災 ots to oppose this unreasonable motion by
者,主席馬樹榮、副主席譚樹富發起捐款 writing to Congress, reminding them of the
賑災,並即獲得馬錦周、陳子儒、劉耀 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act.
李中興、黎大偉、李國強、趙尚賢、黃堯 聲援華裔科學家李文和
政、黃景彬、官永樂、黃學林、黃錫柱、 Solidarity in Support of Chinese-
章志綸、胡國棟、梁永泰、黃景純、馬氏 American scientist Dr. Wen Ho Lee
烈響應,其中馬錦周捐款一萬元。 1999年,華裔科學家李文和因涉嫌向中國
On January 17, 1994 at 4:31 am, a 6.7 或台灣洩露核機密,而被新墨西哥州洛
magnitude earthquake called the North- 薩拉摩斯國家實驗室解僱,並受到聯邦調
ridge Earthquake hit the San Fernando 查局的調查;他被控五十九項罪名,堅稱
Valley. 57 people were killed, 1,500 were 自己從未進行間諜活動的他說,關於「非
wounded, several thousand became home- 法」下載文件,實驗室中其他科學家「也
less, approximately 12,500 houses were 在做同樣的事」,他猜想自己所以成為調
damaged, and several billion dollars were 查目標,大概是因為自己是「黃面孔」。
accounted for in property damage. The 他說,一個像他這樣的中國人,不論多聰
CCBA contributed financial aid to support 明和努力,恐怕永遠都不會被美國社會接
those affected, with Kin Mar contributing 受,亞洲人在美國永遠是外國人。被手銬
$10,000 in aid. 腳鐐單獨監禁二百七十八天,次年9月13
1995年美國移民法案風潮 動的證據,最後李文和以承認一項「不當
1995 Immigration Policy 下載文件」罪名獲法官開釋。
Dr. Wen Ho Lee, a Taiwan-born Chinese-
1995年,美國參眾兩院提出大量削減合法 American scientist, had his employment
移民人數法案,華裔最關心是有關刪除已 terminated by the Los Alamos National
婚子女及美國公民之兄弟姊妹移民配額的 Laboratory of New Mexico, and was in-
提案;影響所及,亞裔人士接二連三在各 dicted in December 1999 by the federal
地發動示威遊行,主席趙尚賢呼籲僑胞起 grand jury on 59 counts for stealing secrets
來反對不合理的移民法案,更提出要慎防 about US arsenal for the People’s Republic
1882年的《排華法案》可能會歷史重演, of China. He steadfastly denied his involve-
並發起寫信運動,領隊參加由各族裔聯合 ment in espionage. As to “illegally” down-
在洛杉磯市中心聯邦大廈前舉行的示威活 loading classified documents, he stated
動,以期使國會無法通過不合理的移民法 that other scientists at the laboratory “did
案。 the same”. He surmised that because he
In 1995, the US Congress proposed sharp- is “yellow-faced”, he was targeted for in-
ly reducing the number of legal immigrants vestigation, and that no matter how bril-
allowed entry into the US Chinese-Amer- liant and diligent a Chinese he is, he and
icans were most concerned with the draft Asians like him would always be treated as
resolution having to do with eliminating the outsiders in America. He was kept in soli-
quota for married children and siblings of tary confinement, shackled, for 278 days.
American citizens. Asian Americans staged Finally on September 13, 2000, federal in-
protests in major cities, and then-CCBA vestigators admitted that they were unable
President Jo Chu called on all compatri- to prove the espionage accusations. After
羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA | 41