Page 45 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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125 Anniversary
th 週年
A full-color, special
commemorative book
published to celebrate the
CCBA’s 120th anniversary,
presented to university
and public libraries.
$80,000 from the Chinatown Redevelop- 120th anniversary, hosted by its President,
ment Agency and subsidy from the Ceme- Peter Ng. On the same day, the CCBA re-
tery of Los Angeles Chinese to renovate the leased its “120th Anniversary” Commem-
CCBA building, including the restoration of orative Issue. 1,000 guests were expected
the large ceremonial hall, the division of the at the celebration. US President Obama,
second floor into different compartments, California State Governor Schwarzenegger,
and plumbing and electrical repairs. A California State Controller John Chiang,
pair of stone lions, symbolizing authority, Chair of California State Board of Equaliza-
wealth, honor and happiness was placed in tion Judy Chu, California Senator, Assem-
front of the building to invite propitiousness blywoman Carol Liu, Assemblyman Mike
and to ward off evils. Eng, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villarai-
gosa, and Los Angeles County Supervisor
盛大慶祝中華會館成立一百二十周 Michael Antonovich presented congratula-
年,印行全彩紀念特刊 tory messages.
The CCBA Celebrates its 120th
Anniversary 發動全僑反對裁併僑務委員會
Opposing the Proposal to Eliminate
2009年7月12日,中華會館舉行慶祝中華 and Merge the Overseas Compa-
會館成立一百二十週年的活動,從早上的 triot Affairs Commission (OCAC)
主持,逾千人與會,冠蓋雲集,全僑同 2008年,中華民國政府開始研擬精簡政府
賀。當天,中華會館發行《一百二十週年 組織,方案中計畫將僑務委員會裁併外交
紀念特刊》,美國總統歐巴馬、加州州長 部,成為外交僑務部。自「僑委會裁併外
史瓦辛格、加州主計長江俊輝、加州平稅 交部」的議題傳到海外,立刻引發全球華
委員會主席趙美心、加州參議員劉璿卿、 僑社會的一片譁然,並紛紛透過各種方式
加州眾議員伍國慶、洛杉磯市長維萊戈 和管道,寫信或發表聲明,將僑胞心聲傳
沙、洛縣政務委員安東諾維奇等均寄送賀 達給主管機關,表達和申訴斷不可輕言裁
函或親臨祝賀。 併的利害得失。
On July 12, 2009, the CCBA celebrated its In 2008, the Republic of China govern-
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