Page 49 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 49
125 Anniversary
th 週年
known as the “Xinhai Revolution Wuch- 紀念日,以及紀念「黃花崗起義」的3月
ang Uprising”. The Republic of China was 29日青年節、雙十國慶等重大節日,本會
formally established on New Year’s Day, 館也會率屬下僑團,並邀請全僑到銅像前
1912, becoming the first Asian democratic 獻花致敬,以示敬佩與尊崇。
country. At the time, Los Angeles overseas Chinese
supported Sun Yat-sen’s activities finan-
當時,洛杉磯華僑支持孫中山先生的革命 cially and physically. Sun Yat-sen had a
志業,出錢出力。孫中山先生與洛杉磯華 close relationship with Chinese people in
埠的關係密切。1905年,他在舊華埠舉行 Los Angeles. In 1905, he received high
的籌款晚宴上受到僑胞推崇,獲得熱烈的 recommendations and enthusiastic sup-
port at the fundraising dinner held in the
Plaza) 招募年輕人參加革命軍的行列。 old Chinatown, and he recruited young
華埠為紀念他的豐功偉績,就在華埠百老 men to join the revolutionary army in the
匯街旁的廣場上建立一座銅像。此後,凡 old Chinatown Plaza (El Pueblo Plaza). In
會館所有重大活動,以及來到中華會館拜 order to honor his great achievements, a
會的貴客,多半都會到銅像獻花致敬。每 bronze statue was built in Broadway Plaza
年元旦,本會館的新屆理監事會在完成宣 in Chinatown. Afterwards, flowers are pre-
誓就職儀式之後,也會到孫中山先生銅像 sented to the statue to show respect dur-
前致敬,再轉往四大首長宴請僑界的就職 ing all major activities involving the CCBA.
餐會。此外,每逢孫中山先生誕辰和逝世 On every New Year’s Day, the new Board of
華埠雙十國慶的精彩一百大遊行, 全僑參與,場面盛大
The Double Ten National Day parade held on Broadway in Chinatown.
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