Page 37 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 37
125 Anniversary
th 週年
the idea that even if they could not bal-
ance the costs through ticket sales, they’d
just make up for the costs afterwards, be-
cause it’d have been worth it just to be
able to hold an event here. And thus, the
CCBA and its member associations, other
Chinese groups and Chinese immigrants
all responded warmly, and ultimately the
ticket sales were enough to cover all of the
costs. National Day events were held there
annually until 1990, and not only were the
ticket sales enough to cover all of the costs,
they also paid off the deficits for holding the
events in previous years.
Shrine Auditorium,這個場地是當時洛
杉磯最具規模的場地之一,歷來美國電影 首屆洛杉磯華人中國新年慶祝會所印製的特刊
The“1990 Los Angeles Chinese New Year Festival” book published
學會主辦的奧斯卡電影獎都在該地舉行。 for the first Chinese New Year celebration in Los Angeles.
堅和大華99超市董事長聯繫,全力協助在 1990年2月17日,本會館為發揚中華文
各超市促銷贈票。本會館所屬僑團,越棉 化,並與洛杉磯多元族裔一起共度中國春
寮和新僑社團等也鼎力贊助,媒體記者幫 節,遂集結了華埠和華人社區的公益團
忙報導,當晚幾乎滿座,首創洛杉磯地區 體、企業、商家及個人,共同在洛杉磯市
國慶晚會觀眾單場人數最多的紀錄。 政府前廣場舉辦了一場至今為止仍屬「空
In 1991, for the purpose of expanding to 前絕後」的《中國新年慶祝會》。
a wider audience, the CCBA rented the On Feb 17, 1990, the CCBA gathered all
Shrine Auditorium, which had more than Chinese groups, companies and individu-
6,400 seats. It was one of the largest audi- als to hold an incredible Chinese New Year
toriums in Los Angeles, and held the Acad- Festival for the purpose of spreading and
emy Awards numerous times. The cost of extending Chinese cultural events and cel-
renting the Shrine Auditorium was about ebrate the Chinese New Year with all citi-
$30,000 per night. To prevent a larger zens.
deficit, Bojian Liang and 99 Ranch Market
held tickets sales in all 99 Ranch Markets. 當天自上午11時起,廣場前的草地上就已
The support was overwhelming, and the 搭建了數十個攤位,並由專業的公司負責
seats were fully occupied that night. 提供精美可口的中國式食物。主席台上,
首辦洛杉磯華人中國新年慶祝會 和抽獎活動;當時經由各界提供的抽獎禮
The first Los Angeles Chinese New 品幾乎來不及送出,直至下午四時,負責
Year Festival 的人員還在台上奮力地抽出幸運者。
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