Page 32 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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          communities.                                     代表團滯留洛杉磯期間,本會館得悉後
          年輕人主辦慶祝青年節大會                                     餐會,宴請代表團所有團員,給予關懷和
          Chinatown’s Young People Hosting                 慰問。全僑舉辦「團結自強晚會」,籌款
          Youth Day Celebration                            幫助來美參加比賽的紅葉少棒隊。獲得當
          1975年,會館首次舉行慶祝青年節。同時                             持,一口應允,先開席,後付款。晚會在
          並首開風氣,將慶祝大會交由四個年輕                                諸多人士的義助和鼓舞之下,全僑熱情參
          人的組織負責主辦及擔任大會主席,分別                               與。旅居此地的台灣藝人上官靈鳳、丁
          是:東方體育會、洛杉磯加州大學同學                                紅、金燕、林嘉、嚴如冰等都應邀前來參
          會、南加州中國同學會、愛文成人學校同                               加,並表演節目和捐物品義賣等。丁紅
          學會。首屆大會推選出兩位優秀青年,獲                               的一瓶金門高粱酒由黃金泉出價一百元標
          選的青年分別為黃思賢醫師和李文謙。此                               得。
          後,慶祝青年節成為中華會館每年例行的                               The Olympic athletes of Taiwan were held
          活動之一。此外,會館亦不定期舉辦紀念                               up in Los Angles during the 1976 Olympics
          黃花崗烈士的獻花活動,以傳承,發揚和                               that took place in Montreal, Canada. The
          倡導青年的愛國精神。                                       CCBA provided meals, housing and moral
          In 1975, the CCBA celebrated Youth Day           support for them. In 1979, the Association
          for the first time. The committees, sepa-        held a “Unification for Self-Improvement
          rated into the Eastern Sports Club, the Los      Party” at the Golden Wine Restaurant,
          Angeles UC Fellow Students Association,          hosted by restaurateur Li Shiyou. Celebri-
          the Southern California Fellow Students          ties from Taiwan performed and donated
          Association, and the Evans Community             items for the rummage sale.
          Adult School, were organized by four young
          individuals. Annually, outstanding youth are     1989年8月,獲得世界冠軍的中華青棒
          selected by members of the CCBA to praise        隊、青少棒隊在21日抵達洛杉磯,本會館
          their patriotic spirit. Huang Sixian and Lee     率所屬僑團熱情歡迎,稱讚他們為國爭
          Wengian were the first two to be selected        光,海外僑胞也同感光榮。兩隊隊員在洛
          during the first Youth Day celebration. The      杉磯附近遊覽名勝,停留兩天期間,本會
          CCBA annually commemorates the sacri-            館為隊員們。在華埠金龍酒家舉行歡迎餐
          fices of the youth during the Chinese Revo-      會,近百人與會。兩隊的選手雖然略有些
          lution of 1911, and hopes future genera-
          tions will by inspired by them.

          Welcoming Athletes from Taiwan

          證,以便及早進入魁北克蒙特婁奧運村爭                               1988年,本會館尚存熱烈歡迎獲得世界冠軍的中華青棒隊、青少棒隊
          取練習時間的代表團,最終仍因不得以「                               抵達洛杉磯的剪報
                                                           A 1988 newspaper clipping of the CCBA warmly welcoming the world champi-
          中華民國」名義參加開幕式而退賽返台。                               ons of the Men’s Senior and Little League baseball teams arriving in Los Angeles.

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