Page 30 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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          天樞與政府當局聯絡,自費前往華府向國                               refugees.
          數為十萬美元,得到國務卿季辛吉特別簽                               由於南加州和越南的氣候相差甚大,難民
          名加快批准,於三天內取得十萬元款項,                               普遍反映需要衣物禦寒,以及需要中國
          並以無利息方式存在羅省國泰銀行,由中                               成藥。於是,會館向華埠大眾徵集衣物,
          華會館審核,每位難胞離營時即需支付,                               黃國如夫人將收到的衣物一一分門別類,
          帳目清楚。                                            整理工作極為繁重。同時,華埠商家無不
          Because the Vietnamese refugees are of           開放藥櫃,讓負責難民的會館工作人員自
          Chinese descent, the CCBA elected the            由拿取。患難見真情,血濃於水的同胞大
          Chair of its Welfare Committee to go on a        愛,可感天地。
          self-paid  trip  to  Washington  to  plead  for   Because of climatic differences between
          more funds from the State Department for         Vietnam and Southern California, medi-
          the refugees. Within three days, Secretary       cine, especially Chinese patent medicine,
          of State Henry Kissinger expedited the re-       and warm clothing were on the refugees’
          lease of US $100,000 to the CCBA, which          most wanted list. The CCBA collected
          deposited it into Cathay Bank for distribu-      clothing  from  the community, and  busi-
          tion  to  the  refugees  when  they  were  dis-  nesses generously donated needed medi-
          charged from the refugee camp.                   cine. This was made possible because we
                                                           were of the same blood.
          營中的越華難民排憂解難,初時決定每週                               安置難胞的最重要工作之一就是幫助他們
          前往探訪,之後改為每日;每一天都有五                               尋找工作,解決日後安身立業的問題。經
          輛車前往送成藥、衣服、食物、書籍及代                               由中華會館人員的努力安排,首先在「底
          金。                                               特律(Detroit)」為八十多位難胞找到
          CCBA initially went to San Diego every week      了僱主,並利用政府經費包了一架波音
          to help the Vietnamese refugees. Later, five     737的飛機,飛往底特律接受安置,期間
          vehicles made daily trips to deliver medi-       並安排該市市長和電視台接機與報導,當
          cation, clothing, food, books and monetary       時許多主流媒體均報導羅省中華會館安置
          equivalents.                                     難民卓然有成;C.C.B.A.(中華會館英文
          洛杉磯與聖地牙哥的難民營相隔約九十英                               馳名中外。
          哩,每天數十位熱心僑胞同往慰問,都由                               The  CCBA’s  most  urgent  task  was  to  find
          會館協調,偕同「愛文成人學校(Evans                             jobs for the refugees. With dedicated ef-
          Community Adult School)」同學會、「                    forts, the CCBA found employers willing to
          加州洛杉磯州立大學(Cal State L.A.)                        hire 80 refugees in Detroit, and chartered
          」同學會、教會人士等,往返奔馳,無怨                               a Boeing  737 to transport them  there.
          無悔,熱心可嘉。                                         The mayor of Detroit and the media were
          Although the Los Angeles and San Diego’s         contacted to greet the refugees when they
          refugee camps were 90 miles apart, the           disembarked. CCBA became a well-known
          Students from Evans Community Adult              acronym.
          School, California State University of Los
          Angeles (Cal State L.A.), and church mem-        安置難民工作一直持續進行了四個月之
          bers gathered together every day to bring        久,當時,東方體育會的創辦人之一張永
          their warmth and kindness in assisting the       中,率同三個同學會:洛杉磯加州大學同

                                                     羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA  |  31
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