Page 27 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 27
125 Anniversary
th 週年
1937年,中華會館全體奮起響應祖國政府 Anniversary commemorative event cel-
「共赴國難」的號召,由主席梁桂岩推舉 ebrating China’s victory in the Sino-Jap-
朱守仁出任「拒日後援會」主席。後援會 anese War. It was a well-organized, rever-
發動全僑籌募戰費,包括每年春節獻金、 berating event that lasted several days.
以及規定工商界月捐等;例如發起「一碗 爭取華人移民福利
飯」籌款運動,在華埠商店前放置錢箱, Striving for the Chinese Immi-
呼籲僑胞捐款救國;又如在華埠組織遊 grant’s Welfare
旗,激起僑胞之愛國心,紛紛慷慨解囊, 1950至1956年間,總統艾森豪威爾的時
將捐款投在國旗上。各項捐款分別通過匯 代,由於對蘇聯間諜滲透和共產黨人對國
款慰勞三軍,傷兵醫藥,難民救濟等,並 家體制的影響而產生恐慌,麥卡錫主義
曾經寄送救護車二十四輛奉獻祖國,以及 (McCarthyism)開始於對共產黨人的搜
鼓勵青年學習飛行,回國投效空軍。 查,不久就發展成為在沒有足夠證據的情
In 1937, CCBA President Liang Guiyan 況下,被指控不忠、顛覆、叛國等罪的嫌
elected Zhu Shouren as the representative 疑人依然被定罪。許多人因而失去工作,
of a newly organized “Resistance of Japa- 事業遭到毀滅性打擊。這段期間,華人移
nese Invasion Backup Committee”. Fun- 民全面搜查,全美華人均感草木皆兵,因
draising events were held to collect cash 移民局官員隨時在街上截查華人身份,此
contributions during holidays and events 風潮也衝擊當年之羅省僑社,致使滿城風
such as National Day, Spring Festival, Mid- 雨,華埠行人頓減。移民局官員,僅憑手
Autumn Festival, charity bazaars and pa- 令就到各公所搜查會員名冊。有些堂所為
rades. The “bowl of rice” project raised 避免會員受害,只得關門停止開放,時間
money for wounded soldiers and refugees 長達數年之久。當年的中華會館主席朱箕
and provided funds for the purchase of 24 活遂響應全美各中華會館聯合捐款,籌設
ambulances. Young Chinese men were en- 「全美華人福利會」,為華人移民爭取福
couraged to learn to fly so they could return 利。現在,全美華人福利總會仍設在羅
to China to join the Air Force. 省,理事長亦由會館成員擔任。
戰後,日本多次篡改侵華歷史,否認慘絕 During Eisenhower’s presidency, McCar-
人寰的「南京大屠殺」,令人擔憂其軍國 thyism continued unabated. In 1956, of-
主義再次復闢。羅省中華會館於上世紀九 ficers of the Immigration and Naturaliza-
○年代即多次聯合各僑團發動遊行,並到 tion Service targeted Chinese-Americans,
日本領事館抗議,警告日本勿使軍國主義 stopping and searching them on the streets
復活。1995年,主席趙尚賢等發起紀念抗 or in their homes, which made all Chinese
日戰爭勝利五十週年,活動一連數日,聲 residents extremely fearful and intimidated.
勢浩大,主旨之一就是讓華裔後人勿忘這 This alarming turn of events naturally af-
段歷史,並以史為鑑,維護世界和平。 fected the Chinatown community associa-
Postwar Japan attempted to tamper with tions and reduced the number of pedestri-
Chinese history by denying their invasion ans in Chinatown. INS officers, with search
and the Nanjing Massacre. In the 1990’s, warrants in hand, checked the names
the CCBA on several occasions led protest and information of Chinatown association
marches to the Japanese Consulate to warn members. Many associations terminated
Japan not to resurrect their militarism. In all activities and closed their doors for sev-
1995, CCBA President Jo Chu led the 50th eral years to avoid their members getting
28 | 羅省中華會館大事記要 Major Events