Page 24 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 24
會(Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Los 州。九○年代,遠在華盛頓州的前美國駐
Angeles)、羅省華埠社區重建局、華埠安 中華人民共和國大使駱家輝參選州長時,
全協會(Chinatown Public Safety Asso- 曾到訪華埠尋求支持,會館發動所屬僑團
ciation)、老人營養餐會等。 熱烈歡迎和支持。多年來,本會館經常接
二戰之後,全美社會福利與服務工作未臻 待華裔民選官員,並號召南加州全僑響應
成熟,中華會館曾接受政府委任,代為簽 全球各地支持華人權益的重大活動。
發有關社會福利的政府支票,對華人與華 Tom Bradley, the past mayor of LA, kept
人社區貢獻良多。特別是在十九世紀末、 building friendships with the CCBA and
二十世紀初,華人遭受到美國史無前例的 Chinatown during his term of service, and
《排華法案》歧視和排擠,及至1956年之 is one of the CCBA and Chinatown’s dear-
前,《美國新移民法案》尚未通過的年月 est friends. During the current Mayor An-
裡,羅省中華會館從各個方面,大至稟公 tonio Villaraigosa’s election, the CCBA
斷案,小至代寫家書,給予了許許多多身 encouraged Chinese communities to con-
在異鄉,無依無靠的華人,精神與實質上 tinue participating in politics. At the same
的幫助。 time, the secretary of the state of California
After World War II, with the national social March Kong Fong Eu, the first Chinese to
welfare service and delivery systems still become a state government official, fre-
unstructured, the CCBA was authorized quently visited the CCBA and Chinatown,
by the US government to sign and issue and is also a dear friend. The CCBA’s sup-
governmental welfare checks, which were port of government events was not limited
a tremendous help to the Chinese com- to California. In the 1990s, when the past
munity. Around the end of the 19th and American ambassador to China, Gary Fate
early 20th centuries, with the passing of Locke, was seeking for support from Chi-
the Chinese Exclusion Act, Chinese work- natown during his election to become the
ers in the US were prohibited from bring- governor of the state of Washington, the
ing their families to America, and they were CCBA convened all of its member associa-
not qualified to become US citizens. Un- tions to support him. The CCBA throughout
til the Immigration and Nationality Act of the years regularly welcomes government
1965 was signed into law, the CCBA played officials who visit Chinatown and holds
a vital, supportive role for the psychologi- special events to support them.
cal and essential needs of the Chinese resi-
dents of Los Angeles. This included serious
matters such as settling lawsuits and small
but much-needed matters such as penning
letters to families back home.
羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA | 25