Page 22 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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          堂、李氏敦宗公所、南加省開平同鄉會、                               belong to CCBA. The first one is the Anti-
          至孝篤親公所、合勝總支堂、俊英工商                                Communist Save China Association. Dur-
          會、至德三德公所、同源會、朱沛國堂、                               ing the Cold War era of the 1950’s, the US
          婦女新運會、伍胥山公所、南加省馬氏宗                               government  ran a  campaign  to purge the
          親會、林西河堂、中國國民黨駐羅省分                                country of Marxists and Communists. Be-
          部、英端工商會、昭倫公所、岡州會館、                               cause  Communist  China  practiced  Marx-
          岡州保安堂、溯源堂、南加省余風采堂、                               ism, Chinese Americans in Chinatown es-
          鳳倫公所、洛杉磯呂氏宗親會等。                                  tablished the Anti-communist Save China
          Currently, the CCBA governs 27 member-           Association to dissociate themselves from
          associations.                                    the  Marxist  and  Communist  ideologies,
                                                           to preserve themselves, and to prove that
          物換星移,大中華實業公司由早年創立的                               Chinese living in America were anti-com-
          後輩主理,自上世紀末即不派理監事出                                munists. With the dissolution of the Soviet
          席,也不參與會館活動,但追本溯源,永                               Union in the 1990’s and the reforms and
          為會館的一員。                                          opening-up of China, the Anti-Communist
          With  the  passing  of  time,  the  later  gen-  Save China Association is no longer rele-
          erations of the founders of the Los Ange-        vant, with its mission naturally ended.
          les  New Chinatown  Corporation (LANCC)
          stopped sending representatives to the           一是為爭取公民權益而成立的全美華人福
          CCBA’s Boards of Supervisors and Direc-          利總會羅省縣區支會。早年該會經常和會
          tors and participating  in CCBA  activities.     館一起舉辦有關移民、法律和公民權利相
          However, to show our appreciation for and        關的活動,並與會館屬下的各個團體緊密
          indebtedness to them, the CCBA annually          互動。
          on  January 1st celebrates  the  inaugura-       The other is the U. S. Chinese Welfare As-
          tion of the Board of Directors and Board of      sociation of Los Angeles, established to
          Supervisors. Executive officials and repre-      fight for the rights of Chinese American
          sentatives from foreign organizations come       citizens. It frequently holds events that re-
          to congratulate LANCC’s founders, and            lates to immigration, legal and citizen rights
          we name the Los Angeles New Chinatown            issues in conjunction with the CCBA, and
          Corporation CCBA’s Emeritus Member.              associates with other associations through
                                                           the CCBA.
          但與會館淵源頗深。                                        羅省中華會館的組織係由會員團體派出代
          一是五○年代,由於美蘇冷戰,美國政府                               表,分別出席理事會或監事會,組成會館
          清除國內的馬克斯主義和共產黨員,而                                的理監事會。每年12月的第三個星期一和
          中國共產黨也是施行馬克斯主義,所以,                               星期二,新的理監事會即投票選出下一個
          華埠為免華人被誤疑為共產黨員,因時制                               年度的理事會正副主席,以及監事會正副
          宜,遂成立「反共救國會」,藉以證明華                               監事長。之後,正副主席和正副監事長會
          人也都是反對共產主義。該會並不隸屬羅                               選派內閣人員,包括中英文書記、財政、
          省中華會館,會館僅每年代該會選舉職                                核數等,主理會館的行政和監核工作;此
          員。九○年代,蘇聯解體,中國也施行改                               外,理監事會也會投票選出中華會館轄下
          革開放,「反共救國會」的時代任務隨之                               三大機構的代表,分別組成中華孔教學校
          告終。                                              校董會、中華福地管理委員會、中華會館
          There are two organizations that do not          福僑委員會。

                                                    羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA  |  23
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