Page 17 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 17
125 Anniversary
th 週年
ing and SanMin Roads. Qiyao Huang, Enlin the predecessor of the Los Angeles CCBA.
Liang and actor Kate Luke donated paint- Because of the Chinese Exclusion Act, Chi-
ings and sculptures for the exhibition. After nese people were prohibited from owning
the parade, lion dance and fireworks, din- real property. Mr. Philippe Garnier, a French
ner service started, with Governor Frank American, erected a red brick building (The
Merriam, Hollywood star Liushuang Huang Garnier Building) in 1890 to rent to Chi-
and other celebrities attending. nese people. Other Chinese associations, a
theatre, a school, a pharmacy, and a vari-
中華會館前身為「衛良公所」 ety of shops were also tenants there.
Wai Liang Association
羅省中華會館前身為「衛良公所」,成 為「排解紛爭,以安善良」,顧名思義是
立於1889年,設在425 N Los Angeles 為團結協力,改善種族歧視。成員分為個
Street 的嘉尼爾大樓(Garnier Build- 人會員,會員年費二元;商戶會員,按營
ing)二樓。由於當時受到《排華法案》 業額分為三種等級徵收。出席公所會議的
的限制,華人不能買地置產,法裔美人菲 代表稱之為「商董」。
利浦‧嘉尼爾Philippe Garnier便於1890 The Wai Liang Association was organized
年在洛杉磯街興建一棟紅磚大樓專供華人 exclusively to advocate democracy for the
租用,除了「衛良公所」之外,還有許多 Chinese people and serve as a bridge be-
其他的公所、會館等,如龍岡親義公所、 tween Chinese-American immigrants and
同源會、黃江夏公所,以及商會、戲院、 the mainstream groups. The association
社區活動室、學校、中藥店、雜貨店等。 diminished racial discriminations and pro-
Wai Liang Association, established in 1889 moted peace amongst the people. It con-
on the second floor of the Garnier Build- sisted of individual members, business
ing on 425 North Los Angeles Street, was members, and a Board of Directors who
18 | 羅省中華會館歷史沿革 Development History