Page 21 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 21
125 Anniversary
th 週年
In 1952, the constructions of the CCBA and the Chinese Confucius Temple School
buildings were completed. The book detailing the construction contributions is still
well-preserved in the CCBA building.
In 1956 the CCBA, in recognition of the Los Angeles New Chinatown Corporation
(LANCC) for donating land for the construction of the new CCBA building, made a
special plaque to always hang in the auditorium.
董事會改制為理監事會,理事會為決策機 伍胥山公所、開平同鄉會、馬氏宗親會經
構,主持日常會務;監事會為監核機構。 過所有會員團體公開投票獲准,加入成為
The CCBA is organized exclusively for char- 會館的團體會員。
itable purposes, more specifically to carry Tin Gan Cheung was the first person to
forward the Chinese culture, advocate de- be elected as Chairman of the CCBA, and
mocracy, contact fellow compatriots living he nominated other members of the as-
abroad, provide charitable public welfare, sociation to govern with him. From 1973
and seek welfare for fellow compatriots. to 1974, members from the “Northern
Prior to 1972, the CCBA was solely gov- China Province Association” (located north
erned by the Board of Directors, but be- of Guangdong) intended to join the CCBA.
ginning in 1972, it changed its regulations. Because the new members were not mem-
It worked as team, assigning the Board bers of the CCBA, ballots were distributed
of Directors as the law-making body and to vote for their entry, but due to their dif-
the Board of Supervisors as the governing ferent customs and interests, their entry
body. was denied. In 1979, the Eng Family Asso-
ciation, the Hoy Ping Province Association,
首任理事會的主席為張廷幹先生,當時採 and the Ma Association became the latest
取自由登記加入為團體會員。1973至1974 members of the CCBA.
地區)申請加入,初時未獲通過,後又投 目前會館有團體會員二十七個,包括:大
票獲准。但因為地域的方言風俗習慣不 中華實業公司、黃氏宗親會、龍岡親義公
同,最終還是沒有加入。1979年,現在的 所、台山寧陽會館、台山寧僑公會、秉公
22 | 羅省中華會館歷史沿革 Development History