Page 23 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 23
125 Anniversary
th 週年
CCBA member associations each appoint immigrants to be discriminated against.
their representative(s) to sit on the CCBA’s The pain and torment endured by Chinese
Board of Directors and Board of Supervi- immigrants during this time taught them
sors. The Board of Directors elects the how difficult, frightening, and humiliating it
CCBA’s President, and the Board of Su- was to live with no legal protection. There-
pervisors elects its Chair. The two Boards fore, no one knows more than the old Chi-
form the Board of Directors of the Chinese nese immigrants how important it can be
Confucius Temple of Los Angeles, Chinese for the Chinese community to take part in
Cemetery of Los Angeles, and Chinese politics, and how painful it can be if there is
Welfare of CCBA. no support from the government. Although
the Chinese Exclusion Act ended with the
隨著《排華法案》於二戰期間因中美在太 cooperation between China and the Unit-
平洋戰場的合作而告終,但歷經聯邦政 ed States on the pacific battlefield during
府立法,長達六十年生活於全國性合法排 WWII, the CCBA did not forget its original
擠之下的華人,深刻體會一個少數族裔在 mission to continually strive for rights and
沒有法律保護之下的艱難和屈辱;了解參 benefits for all Chinese people, to inten-
政的迫切性和重要性,以及所謂「朝中無 sively encourage them to take part in the
人」的切膚之痛。當權美華人迎來平等、 government, and to maintain positive com-
公正和正義的新生活時,本會館與時俱 munications with government officials.
權益和福祉,並積極的和美國政府官員、 在過去的一百二十五年間,羅省中華會館
政要保持緊密互動。此外,也積極支持華 代表華裔爭取權益,與政府機構和各團體
人參政,更上層樓。 密切聯絡,曾經贊助或輔導多個公益性組
After the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed 織機構成立,其中包括有羅省國泰老人大
by the federal government, for 60 long 廈(Cathay Manor)、華埠服務中心 (Chi-
years it was essentially legal for Chinese natown Service Center)、羅省中華總商
加州州務卿余江月桂是第一位擔任州府官員的華人,她和中華 洛杉磯市長湯姆.布萊德雷 (Tom Bradley) 初選就獲得中華
會館及華埠有許多影響深遠地互動,並攜手共同督促華裔爭取 會館支持,當選之後,一直與華埠關係友好
應享的公民權益 Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley has a close & amicablerelationship
Xu Jiang Yue Guui is the first Chinese person to hold office at the Cali- with CCBA.
fornia Secretary of State Department.
24 | 羅省中華會館歷史沿革 Development History