Page 28 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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          persecuted. Mr. Kea Woo Gee, then CCBA           之輝煌成就。
          President, founded the American Chinese          Prominent Chinese community leaders
          Welfare Commission to fight for the rights       convened at the Eighth International Asian
          and welfare of Chinese immigrants. Pres-         Business Trade Conference. The one thou-
          ently, the headquarters of the American          sand plus attendees included members of
          Chinese Welfare Commission is still housed       the US Congress, California State and Los
          in Los Angeles, and the office of the Presi-     Angeles elected officials, as well as com-
          dent of its Board of Directors is held by a      munity leaders. Then US President Nixon,
          CCBA member/appointed by the CCBA.               Vice- President Agnew, and leaders of both
                                                           Houses sent congratulatory telegrams and
          主辦第八屆世界華商貿易會議                                    messages. The congratulatory message of
          Sponsoring the Eighth International              President Chiang Kai-Shek of the Republic
          Asian Business Trade Conference                  of China was read at the conference. Orders
                                                           totaling over US$30,000,000 were placed,
          1971年5月1日,羅省中華會館負責主辦「                            proving that  the Conference was a great
          第八屆世界華商貿易會議」,在洛杉磯市                               success.
          中心的 Biltmore Hotel 一連舉行五天。
          該會議自第一屆起至第七屆,原名「亞洲                               安置越南來美難胞
          華商貿易會議」,第八屆起才擴展成為全                               Assisting Vietnamese Immigrants
          辦,籌辦經費亦全部由會館負擔,在全球                               1975年5月,美國國會通過由國務院組織
          貿易開展之際,會館承辦此一活動,對促                               越南難民安置機構,負責收容及安置十七
          進全球商貿貢獻巨大。                                       萬五千名越南難民來美。其中大部份華裔
          On May 17, 1971, the CCBA hosted and             被分發暫時居住南加州聖地牙哥的潘德頓
          sponsored its 8th International Asian Busi-      軍營,由政府發給每人五百元的遣散費。
          ness Trade Conference in the Biltmore Ho-        當年中華會館主席黃國如、副主席張如灼
          tel for 5 days. From the first to its seventh    隨即召開理、監事會議,商討前往慰問及
          annual conference its name was the Asian         協助安置等事宜。
          Business Trade Conference; it was not until      In May 1975, the United States Vietnam-
          the eighth annual conference that the name       ese Refugee Agency accepted and helped
          was changed.                                     175,000 Vietnamese refugees settle in the
                                                           United States. A majority of the Vietnam-
          「第八屆世界華商貿易會議」大會召集人                               ese refugees are of Chinese descent. They
          為朱箕活、黃國如、周大為、劉石天、洪                               were temporarily placed at Camp Pendle-
          耀宗;秘書長胡國棟、副秘書長朱文芳、                               ton and given $500 severance money each.
          李澄澤。全體代表暨中美嘉賓多達一千餘                               Then CCBA President Poy Wong and Vice-
          人,美國國會議員、加州及洛杉磯地區政                               president Y.C Cheung immediately called a
          要、社會賢達親臨祝賀或踴躍出席,當年                               CCBA meeting to plan a visit to the Camp
          之美國總統尼克森、副總統安格紐、聯邦                               to assist the refugees in settling down in the
          參眾議員等均致送賀電,中華民國僑務委                               community.
          場設置展覽攤位,來自世界各地的華商展                               越南華裔難胞,同為炎黃子孫,經由會議
          出其貨品,會議期間共獲得三千多萬美元                               公決由會館主理慰問與協助安置等事宜;
          之交易訂單,確實達到促進世界華商貿易                               復推舉中華會館所屬之「福僑會」會長陳

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