Page 19 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
P. 19

125        Anniversary

                th  週年

                   effects of the Chinese Exclusion Act. As
                   Chinese residents actively fought for equal      1945年6月28日,中華會館董事會會議通
                   treatment and rights, the CCBA’s posi-           過在大中華實業公司捐贈925  N.  Broad-
                   tion and functions were recognized by the        way的會館現址籌建羅省中華會館大樓,
                   mainstream society, and the federal and          會中組成新樓籌建委員會,並推舉當屆主
                   state government started to enlist the CC-       席黃迺慶為委員長,隨即展開籌建的工
                   BA’s help to handle entitlement and wel-         作。
                   fare matters within the Chinese community.       In June 28, 1945, the Board of Directors
                   The CCBA also assisted new arrivals in job-      approved to move the CCBA to a parcel of
                   seeking and lodging, and even in marital,        land donated by the Los Angeles New Chi-
                   funeral, medical and social service matters.     natown Corporation located at 925 North
                                                                    Broadway. Then CCBA President Lai Hing
                   羅省中華會館的遷移                                        Wong headed the Construction Committee.
                   The Changes in Location of the Los
                   Angeles CCBA                                     1950年11月,中華會館大樓在當屆主席黃

                   二十世紀四○年代末期,加州政府為建築                               蔡文伸負責,全部工程於1951年的年底完
                   聖塔安那高速公路(加州五號高速公路)                               成;並於1952年5月18日舉行中華會館及
                   ,收購當時羅省中華會館所在地和附近舊                               中華孔教學校新樓落成開幕典禮。當天,
                   華埠的土地,以至於之前僥倖未因聯合                                中華會館門前高掛中美國旗,中美長官,
                   車站拆遷的舊華埠建築和商家再度被迫遷                               殷商名流,僑團領袖等連袂出席,一時冠
                   移。                                               蓋雲集。現場鑼鼓喧天,醒獅獻瑞,爆竹
                   Towards the end of the 1940s, California’s       聲盈耳,龍岡公所名義軒、合勝堂勝強別
                   state government purchased the land on           墅、寧陽會館等醒獅團表演醒獅獻瑞,還
                   which the CCBA and Old Chinatown were            有美華婦女鼓樂隊的演出,盛況空前。
                   located  in  order  to  build  the  Santa Ana    In 1950, the association elected Tin Hing
                   Freeway. Chinese businesses and other            Wong as the president and began con-
                   Chinatown buildings not forced out by the        struction in November with Man Sun Choi
                   construction  of  Union Station earlier  now     as the architect. All projects were complet-
                   faced the fate of forced relocation.             ed by the end of 1951. Thus, 1952 marked
                                                                    the celebration of the grand opening of the
                   1938年,捐贈羅省中華會館現址土地的「                             Chinese Confucius Temple School.
                   購鐵路公司售出的一塊土地物業,在華埠                               羅省中華會館組織現況
                   現址興建今日位於百老匯街和曉街,以及                               Organization
                   In 1938, the Los Angeles New Chinatown           羅省中華會館的宗旨為發揚中華文化,崇
                   Corporation,  which  donated  the  land  for     尚民主自由,聯絡僑胞感情,辦理慈善
                   the current CCBA site, was already in ex-        公益,共謀僑眾福利。1972年之前,會館
                   istence. It purchased from Union Pacific a       組織採董事會的組織架構,並無理監事
                   piece of land at a low price that would be-      會。1972年,為了強化組織,通過重新修
                   come today’s Chinatown, located around           訂章程,排除個人會員的規定,從此以團
                   Broadway Street, Hill Street, Spring Street      體會員為單位,並根據團體的會員多寡,
                   and Main Street.                                 分派一至四人出席會館的理監事會。原有

                   20  |  羅省中華會館歷史沿革 Development History
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