Page 126 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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nevolent Association, we rented one of CCBA’s in providing gourmet dim sum & traditional
properties at 938 ½ Chung King Road. Thus dishes at the monthly meetings, as well as
our Association was officially established on playing a supportive role wherever and when-
the day of our Spring Banquet in April 1977. ever needed. Their efforts are recognized and
The first President was Jolson and Shui San much appreciated.
the Vice-president. Our monthly meetings
have been held continuously without inter- 1978年:成立青年部
ruption since then.
1977年:成立婦女部 Dorothy等為委員,舉行萬聖節及聖誕化裝
由尚修夫人及新倫夫人領導,每次月會皆有 青年作球類比賽。
精美點心、糕餅熱烈款待,婦女們對公所歷 In 1978, the Youth Group, led by Peter, was
年之貢獻及捐輸,是本公所同仁有目共睹, started, with Ben, Raphael, Beverly and Dor-
亦極為欣賞者。 othy actively assisting. Highlight activities
1977 saw the establishment of the Ladies’ were the Halloween & Christmas parties, and
Guild, under the able leadership of May & Ivy. the annual picnic co-sponsored with the La-
Our ladies were and remain indispensable dies’ Guild. We also had sports competitions
羅省中華會館125週年 125 Anniversary CCBA LA | 127