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125        Anniversary

                th  週年

               Seattle in 1999, our Association proposed          and Darren (2014), its members have been
               setting up a website to facilitate communica-      very supportive of the association’s activities.
               tion between all the Eng Associations world-       During special celebration events, they also
               wide. After 15 years, our online network in-       assist the Ladies’ Guild in providing lunches
               cludes not only Eng Associations in the U.S.       to the Engs and guests.
               and Canada, but also China, Taiwan, and
               other Southeast Asian countries such as Ma-        伍胥山公所及成員和社區及各僑團關係一
               laysia, Indonesia, Myanmar and the Philip-         向密切和諧及盡可能參與一切活動。本公
               pines. Much credit is due our Elder Ed, who is     所乃世界伍氏宗親會及全美伍胥山總公所
               the webmaster.                                     之成員,除參加一切活動外,於1993年及
               2006年:新一代伍氏子女NGG (the Next                         是現任世界伍氏總會理事長,璇廣為現任副
               Generation Group) 成立                               監事長,多位前任主席獲選為美西總長:璇
               在2006年,眾多位年青伍氏子女,成立Next                            (2004-2005)、俠山(2010-2011)及尚齊(現
               Generation  Group  (NGG),為我公所之新                    任美西副總長)。除此之外,尚齊更是現任
               青年部,招羅伍氏青少年,參加公所活動,                                羅省中華會館主席,而競群亦曾任中華會館
               主導主流社區福利工作,如就業講座,健                                 主席並是現任華埠服務中心總裁,俠山曾任
               康講座,華埠畫廊漫遊等。歷年來在首任                                 寧陽會館主席,達斌代表中華會館出席華埠
               部長煒良(2006-2007)及隨後歷屆部長:培                           安全協會之委員會已超廿年,巳故前主席聯
               瑄(2008-2009)、望東(2010-2011)、永昌                      瑛曾任中華會館副主席及副監事長,永遠顧
               (2012-2013)及偉業(2014)的英明頜導下,                        問伯樑亦曾任華埠重建局諮詢委員,其他會
               其成員皆熱心支持本公所之運作,每逢公所                                員亦曾先後在本地各僑團擔任要職,例如伍
               有甚喜慶,都鼎力與婦女部合作負責午餐                                 健(同源會會長)、偉亨(秉公堂主席)、思法
               供我宗親享用。為表揚父母親生男育女之功                                (合勝堂主席)等。本公所各項活動多歡迎伍
               勞,每年於六月份NGG又設備豐盛午餐同慶                               黃兩姓宗親參與,例如公所青年部(NGG)每
               雙親節。                                               年舉辦慶祝雙親節之餐會,黃氏約有三十多
               The Next Generation Group (NGG) was es-            人參加,一同歡樂,無分彼此,而每年春宴
               tablished in 2006. To quote an excerpt from        更是交誼之機,光臨助慶之社團人士達百多
               its mission statement, It aims “to spearhead       人。
               the efforts of generating involvement in ac-       Our  Association  has  always  maintained  a
               tivities that will continue the traditions of the   harmonious relationship with the Chinatown
               family association, preserve and celebrate its     community and organizations and the Los
               history and  achievements, and  enhance its        Angeles community at large. We support and
               social  relevancy  and  communal  purpose  for     strive to participate in all activities sponsored
               future membership”. NGG has held activi-           by the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent As-
               ties such as Youth Career Days, Health semi-       sociation (CCBA).We are active participating
               nars  and Chinatown art gallery  tours. Over       members of the World Eng Family Association
               the years, under progressive leaderships of        as well as the U.S.National Eng Family Asso-
               NGG’s first Chair, Lance (2006-2007), and          ciation. We successfully hosted the 1993 and
               his successors: Janice (2008-2009), Tra-           2009 National Conventions. Elder Peter is the
               cy (2010-2011), Wayne C.(2012-2013)                current President of the World Eng Associa-

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