Page 125 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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125 Anniversary
th 週年
伍胥山公所 418 Cottage Home Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Eng Family Benevolent (323)227-8265
羅省伍胥山公所之前身伍氏通訊處於1974年 進行。羅省伍氏派伯樑赴大埠商討,通訊處
正式成立,如今有400餘會員,是羅省中華 於1974年2月17日正式成立,由新倫擔任正
會館屬下「年輕」的成員。伍胥山公所經常 主任、伯樑為副主任,成立大會之宴會在華
委派兩位理事,兩位監事出席中華會館,並 埠香港樓舉行,筵開三十三席,由達斌擔任
入選各委員會。 司儀,黃氏宗親到賀者60餘人,充份表示黃
The Eng Family Interim Office in Los Ange- 伍一家親。
les, precursor of the Eng Family Benevolent In the summer of 1972, Bill Lee Ng of Ba-
Association, was established in 1974.Cur- kersfield and Kai Fan of New York came to Los
rently, our membership roster numbers over Angeles to solicit contributions to the Eng’s
400, and we are the “younger” member of National Convention held in New York the
Los Angeles’ Chinese Consolidated Benevo- same year. They conveyed to the Convention
lent Association (CCBA).We regularly appoint the wishes of the Los Angeles Engs to estab-
two members each to represent our Associa- lish a local family association. The Convention
tion on CCBA’s Board of Directors and Board resolved to appoint the Western Region Grand
of Supervisors. President and the San Francisco Headquar-
ter staff to guide the Los Angeles clansmen
早期的伍姓先輩先在西雅圖落腳,因此當地 to bring their wishes to reality. Dr. Jolson Ng
的伍氏公所早在二十世紀初就成立。後來大 was sent to San Francisco to discuss the de-
批伍氏宗親移居到紐約,主要從事洗衣店行 tails. On February 17, 1974, the Los Ange-
業,後來四十年代才遷移到氣候較怡人的南 les Eng Family Interim Office was established.
加州。 The Chairperson and Vice-chair were Eddie
Our Eng forefathers first settled in Seattle, and Poy and Jolson Ng respectively. An inaugu-
the Eng Family Association there was founded ral dinner emceed by Benjamin at Hong Kong
in early 20th Century. Later, a large number Low numbered 33 tables, including over sixty
of the Engs moved to New York, engaging Wongs, which spoke for the close fraternal tie
in the laundry business. During the 1940’s, between the Wongs and the Engs.
some began to move to Southern California
for its balmy weather. 1976年暑期得到羅省中華會館主席黃國如協
助,租得該會館在重慶路938 1/2 號物業。公
伍氏通訊處起源於1972年夏季,全美伍氏懇 所乃於1977年四月春宴時正式成立,第一屆
親大會在紐約舉行,當時紐約代表來羅省向 公所正主席伯樑、副主席瑞珊。由第一屆開
此間宗親籌款,並在懇親大會報告羅省宗親 始公所一直舉行月會並未間斷。
籌組公所之意願,大會議決盼各地伍氏宗親 In 1976, with the help of Mr. Poy Wong, then
鼎力支持,並由美西總長及大埠總公所協助 President of the Chinese Consolidated Be-
126 | 羅省中華會館二十七個團體 27 Organizations and Associations