Page 127 - CCBA-LA-125th-2014
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125 125    Anniversary

                th th  週年

               with the Wong’s Youth Group                        the fundraising expertise and support of then
                                                                  Western Region Grand President and now El-
               1979年:購置公所                                         der Tommy of San Francisco and Luen Ho,
                                                                  and the enthusiastic support and fundrais-
               宗親們在從成立通訊處之時已經有自置會所                                ing efforts by devoted local members as well
               的願望,公所第二屆主席瑞珊(1979)副主                              as members in other cities, we purchased
               席壽鵬及當年置業籌款委員會主席燦章、聯                                our permanent home at 418 Cottage Home
               同歷任美西總長及元老之璇燦及聯賀發動籌                                Street.
               款,以十四萬元購得418 Cottage Home街為
               永久會址,得羅省及各地宗親熱烈響應,乃                                1983年:成立獎學金委員會
               Back in the days of the Interim Office, our        獎學金委員會是於1983年4月成立,以獎學
               members had already expressed the desire           基金所得之銀行利息分派成績優良之伍氏子
               for a permanent home. The second Presi-            女,每年於夏季郊遊時頒發,藉以鼓勵子弟
               dent, Shui San (1979), was the indefatigable       勤力向學,成良好風尚。
               force behind making the dream a reality. With      April 1983 saw the establishment of the


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