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羅省中華會館二十七個團體 27 ORGANIZATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS 羅省中華會館二十七個團體 27 Organizations and Associations

          Scholarship  Committee.  At  the  annual  pic-
          nic, scholarships and plaques are awarded to                     歷屆正副主席名錄
          children of male and female members who               PAST PRESIDENTS & VICE-PRESIDENTS
          submit school reports showing “A” grades.                年份         主席President   副主席Vice-President
          The money comes out of interests earned               1974-1976  新倫 Eddie Poy 伯樑 Jolson
          from the Scholarship Fund.                            (通訊處)                       國鈿 Kwok Tin
                                                                1977-1978  伯樑 Jolson        瑞珊 Shui San
          1991年:重建公所                                            (公所成立)
                                                                1979-1980 瑞珊 Shui San       壽鵬 Raphael
          主席璇廣及副主席達斌、聯瑛,繼往開來籌                                   1981       瑞珊 Shui San      競群 Peter
          得廿餘萬元將公所拆平,重新建設,由啟                                    1982-1984 瑞珊 Shui San       璇廣 Ed
          鵬工程師負責監工,於1992年春宴時正式揭                                 1985-1988 璇廣 Ed             達斌 Ben
          幕,美侖美奐,冷氣設備,樓高兩層,並佈                                   1989-1993 璇廣 Ed             達斌 Ben
          置一新,與通訊處時期確有天淵之別也。                                                                聯瑛 Larry
          In 1991, then President Ed, and Vice-presi-           1994-1995 達斌 Ben            聯瑛 Larry
          dents Ben and Larry raised over two hundred           1996-1997 聯瑛 Larry          啟鵬 Pang
          thousand dollars to construct a new, air-                                         競群 Peter
          conditioned, two-story building with modern           1998       啟鵬 Pang          競群 Peter
          interior decorations. Pang lent his engineer-                                     鐵民 Tieh-Min
          ing expertise to act as inspector during con-         1999       競群 Peter         鐵民 Tieh-Min
          struction. What a difference between the new          2000       競群 Peter         鐵民 Tieh-Min
          building and the interim office!                                                  俠山 Tenny
                                                                2001-2002 俠山 Tenny          鐵民 Tieh-Min
          1993年:合唱團成立                                                                       國材 Tommy
                                                                2003       鐵民 Tieh-Min      桂芳 Alex
          本公所歌唱團於1993年七月組成,得以在該                                 2004       桂芳 Alex          福添 Fook Him
          年於羅省舉行之全美伍氏懇親大會上演唱。                                   2005       桂芳 Alex          福添 Fook Him
          In July 1993 our Chorus was organized to                                          尚齊 Wayne S.
          augment the entertainment program at the              2006       尚齊 Wayne S. 福添 Fook Him
          National                                              2007       尚齊 Wayne S. 福添 Fook Him
          Convention  held  in  Los  Angeles that  same                                     國材 Tommy
          year.                                                 2008       桂芳 Alex          子行 Richard
                                                                2009       尚齊 Wayne S. 艷愛姑 Beverly
          1999年:設置世界網站                                                                      煒良 Lance

                                                                2010       艷愛姑 Beverly 煒良 Lance
          是年本公所參加於西雅圖舉行的世界伍氏懇                                   2011       艷愛姑 Beverly 煒良 Lance
          親大會,在會中倡議因應時代需求,成立網                                                               子行 Richard
          站,以便利通訊聯絡,十五年間,各地公所                                   2012-2013 煒良 Lance          子行 Richard
          包括中國兩岸,紛紛響應,為我公所重要的                                                               澤全 Stanley
          傳播工具,璇廣元老為現任網頁主管,居功                                   2014       澤全 Stanley       子行 Richard
          至偉。                                                                               永昌 Wayne C.
          During the 6th World Eng Convention held in

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